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~Advnace sorry for the wrong grammar~



Today is Dad's funeral,everyone is getting ready except for one person,AHN YUJIN,Me.

W🐰: Jagi?


W🐰: Where are you?


W🐰: I'm going there

No need:🐶

W🐰: I don't take no for an answer

I stood up and wash my face,I headed to kitchen to get some water. While walking back to my room,I look at dad's room,i wanted to go inside but somehow my body doesn't cooperate.

This time I decided to go inside,I slowly open the door. When i got in,i saw a clean room, dad and mom really loves clean places.

I look at dad's painting,in the back of the painting is the locker. One time I saw dad opening the locker but I didn't bother to try opening it,it's not my thing so why bother.

I open the locker. I am now seeing a box,a dead rose in the flower vase,a pen, to be specific,it's mom's pen. Mom uses this pen a lot

After a minute of looking at the box,I'm now holding it. I'm sitting at Dad's bed,the box is dusty.

When I open the box,i found... DAIRY, NOTE, PICTURES AND... A RING.

🐶: What's this... Do I have right to open this?
W🐰: Yes Jagi *lean on the door* Your dad told you to open that... I'll wait outside,get dress after that
🐶: *Nod*
W🐰: And... It's fine to cry *leave the room*

I pick up the rose from the vase. The rose is dead but why did dad put this here,is this special?
I pick up the ring and wear it. I think it's mom's ring,I like wearing mom's stuffs.

After a minute,I started to Read the Diary...

"I'm now at the park with my daughter, She's watching the kids playing around. It's my first time bringing her here, I'm not sure if she love this place but she always want to go here with her mom. I wish I could do better as her Father,I wish I can make her smile"

"I buy a couple Necklace today,I wanted to give this to yujin but I don't think she will like this. She never wear accessories"

"I wanted to confess something but I'm not ready. I'm not ready for the outcome,I'm not ready for everything"

"I wanted to buy a dog for Yujin for her birthday but I don't know what type of dog im going to buy"

"Today is Yujin's 10th birthday. She wanted a birthday party with her friends and I gave her that. I saw her smiling and I love it"

"Today...I lost my...wife. It's my fault,I cheated on her. She was my everything,shes my life. Why did I cheat?How am I going to raise Yujin without her mother,I'm not ready yet"

"Yujin,she's not the same anymore. I lost her smile,her laugh,my everything. I wish I could turn back the time,I wish I can correct my wrong doings"

"I want to end this,I want to bring my Yujin's smile back. I wish I can bring her to her favorite places,buy her stuffs,eat Together,go to her school every family day"...
I read a lot of writings in the diary but this are the ones that caught my attention the most

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