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~Correct Me if I got any character or grammar wrong. Sorry for the wrong grammar~


🐶: Who are you?
???: Too bad,you don't know me...I know you Yujin
🌕: Show yourself!
???: HAHAHA You want me to show myself?!
🐻: *Point a gun* Show yourself
🐶: Put your gun down
???: Gun? Your still studying right? Does your teacher know about this?
🐶: We just want to get the kid
💙: Is this your father?
🐶: No
🐱: Do we use guns now? *Whisper*
🌕: Just prepare *whisper*

???: Do you want to see myself?
🐆: Do I know you?
???: I don't think so
🐆: You resemble someone
🍰: Who?
🐆: I can't point out who
???: *Phone ringing* Yes sweety? I'm on my business now call me later.

While this mysterious guy is talking to someone in the phone. Moonbyul is talking to Ryujin and Yujin too.
🌕: We'll distract her,run and get the kid out of here. Comeback when the kid is safe. It's not good for the kid to saw such a thing
💙: I'll help them to escape
🌕: Yujin,cover the kid's eyes.

???: Where we're we? Oh! Do you want to know my name?
🐻: No need,we already know who you are
???: Oh, HAHAHAHA. What a bullshit
🌕: *Point the gun* Say that word again,I'm going to shoot that small brain of yours.
???: Oh showing such attitude in front of the kid.
🐶: Don't listen So-Yi *cover So-Yi's ears*
???: That attitude won't work on me
🌕: Let's see *walk closer to the guy*
???: Something you want to prove?girl
🌕: You bump on the wrong girl
???: Should I bump that girl?

The guy pointed Seulgi and Moonbyul hate it.

🌕: Do that one more time and you'll lose one finger
🐻: Relax *whisper*

While Moonbyul and the guy is talking. Yujin and Ryujin escape from the back. Hyewon find an exit.

Yujin carry So-Yi on her back. Ryujin will be the one to protect them. Yujin is still sick but she withstand it all.

💙: Don't go at our room. They know our room
🐶: Where do we go then?
💙: We find another room
🐶: Try that room
💙: *Knock*

We are having a great time with minju and Yuri. We played a little,we ate snacks. After that we wash up and sleep.

I'm on my deep sleep when I heard a loud knock.

🐸: Who the fvck knock at someone's door in the middle of the NIGHT!?
W🐰: Aghhhhh!
🐭: I'll get the door

Yuri open the door and saw...

🐭: Yujin?
🐶: Yuri,do me a favor
🐭: What?
🐶: Hide this kid
🐸: Who's there... Oh Yujin
W🐰: Yujin?
🐭: Why?
🐶: Just hide So-Yi. Don't let anyone see her. Promise me
🐭: Okey?
💙: Let's go! Yujin!
🐶: Stay here okey. Don't go out no matter what

Yujin leave So-Yi to the unexpected person's. Yuri was puzzled but obey.

🐸: Was that Yujin?
🐭: Yes
W🐰: who is this kid?
🐸: Please don't tell me she has a daughter already
👩: I'm not her daughter,she's not my mother.
🐭: Adopted?
👩: Can you hide me first please, I'm scared
🐸: What's happening?
W🐰: Let's not pressure the kid. What did Yujin said?
🐭: Hide this kid and don't let anyone see this kid.
👩: My name's So-Yi
W🐰: Where do you want to hide So-Yi?
👩: I can fit in that closet unnie
🐸: Unnie?
W🐰: But that's too small
👩: It's fine unnie
🐸: Unnie?
🐭: Stop with that unnie unnie
W🐰: For now,rest for awhile. Try to relax yourself
🐭: Relax yourself to Wonyoungie,we don't want to handle two kids
🐸: Why is Wonyoung good at handling kids? *Whisper to Yuri*
🐭: I don't know too *whisper to minju*
W🐰: yah,what are you doing. Watch the door
🐸: Is the door a television to watch?
🐭: *Hit minju's head*
🐸: Why?!!!!!!!

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