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~Advance Sorry for the wrong grammar~

What the heck did I just say last night? Did I really said that? Why do I have to be like that?

👩: Unnie? Are you okey?
🐶: Yes... Tomorrow your going to school
👩: Really unnie?!
🐶: Yes,you need to study
👩: Thank you unnie!!!
👵: Your father will be here this afternoon
🐶: Don't let father touch So-Yi... I'll get going now
👵: Okey?

I'm entering my car when...
🐥: Can you join me?

                                                            On what again?:🐶

🐥: On my dance cover?

                              Your what!?:🐶

🐥: Just this time

You know I hate dancing right?:🐶

🐥: But your good at it

I'm not good at it and I hate it so stop:🐶

🐥: You don't love me anymore

I never love you so Stop:🐶

🐥: Yah,just this time!


*End Call*

How many times do I have to say that I don't like dancing anymore. Aish this duck...

🐥: YAH!
🐶: No,don't follow me *running away*
🐥: Catch her!
🐻💙: *Hold Yujin*
🐶: Let me go,let me live a life
🐻: Is she going to kill you?
🐶: Sort of
🐥: Hold her!
🐻: That duck look so creepy *whisper to Seulgi*
💙: I think we should let her go
🐻: Yeah,I think so too
🐶: Goodbye!

I run away as fast as I can. This duck will really pester me until I say 'Yes' and this time I'm planning to say 'No' no matter what happen.

I sit on the tree near the gym, I'm catching my breathe, someone offer me a water. I look up and...

W🐰: Running away?
🐶: Yeah
W🐰: From who?
🐶: Yena
W🐰: Oh,speaking of that duck. Is Yuri and Yena dating?
🐶: I don't know... why?
W🐰: I saw them earlier in Yena's car
🐶: Really?
W🐰: *sit beside Yujin* Yes,I didn't interrupt their moment... Can you do me a favor?
🐶: I don't do favors
W🐰: Can you ask Yena the address of Yiren's house
🐶: Why don't you ask me for Yiren's address?
W🐰: I know you don't know
🐶: Okey?
W🐰: Give me the address later
🐶: I didn't agree
W🐰: I don't take No
🐶: I really hate you
W🐰: No, you don't... You like me *whisper*
🐶: ???
W🐰: Nothing. Did you eat?
🐶: No
W🐰: Follow me
🐶: Where?
W🐰: Cafeteria,let's eat
🐶: I don't want to eat with you
W🐰: We've been eating together like 50 times now,still not use to it?
🐶: Okey, just shut up
W🐰: Faster I'm hungry

W🐰: How's So-Yi?
🐶: Fine,she's going to school tomorrow
W🐰: Oh, that's good
🐶: How about you?
W🐰: M-me? I'm fine
🐶: That's good to know
W🐰: How about you?
🐶: I'm fine... I guess. Wanna go to eat ice cream later?
W🐰: Ice cream? L-later?
🐶: Yes,ice cream,it's okey if you dont---
W🐰: I'll meet you in the parking lot
🐶: You have your car?
W🐰: No
🐶: Do you really have a car?
W🐰: Yes,I do have a car
We continue our conversation,we talk about random stuff. Our conversation went well,we don't feel awkward with each other,we talk comfortably.

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