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~ Advance sorry for the grammar~

Yujin just park her car,Yena also park her car,he just got her car. Jang Wonyoung is in the classroom already.

Today is the Camping,it will last for 3days. Everybody is preparing now,all are busy checking there stuff's.

🐥: *Peeking at the window* Yah! Yujin! *Whisper*
🐥: Yah! AHN YUJIN! *Whisper*

Yeji tapped Yujin's shoulder,Yujin look up.

Yeji: Relax,someone is looking for you * pointed the window* and please, Don't throw  dagger's with your gaze, sometimes it's terrifying.

Yujin is looking at yena from her seat.

🐥: Come here idiot!
🐶: What do you need?
🐥: Relax buddy, are you excited?
🐶: No,I don't want this in the first place
🐥: Buddy,try having fun
🐶: This is not fun
🐥: Then why did you come?
🐶: Because you want me to *walking away*
🐥: Yah!
🐶: I'm coming,shut up!

Everyone is lining up. They will use 4 bus,and  all students is divided into 4groups with their leaders.

Prof: Everyone,listen up! You must stay at your place with your leader. Leaders! You have to monitor your members,if one of them is gone there will be a deduction in your group score. Do you understand?
All: Yes sir!
Prof: Go now to your bus

All of them obey. While everyone is slowly walking, there's Yena pestering Yujin.

🐶: Can you cut it off
🐥: *Poking Yujin*
🐶: Stop it
🌸: Why are you always calm in every situation?
🐥: Oh God! It almost sent my soul away
🌸: Why?
🐥: B!tch,you just appeared out of nowhere

While the two is talking,they didn't notice that Yujin is now inside the Bus.

🦊: Are you two not going?
🌸🐥: Tzuyu?
🦊: Yes?
🐥: Why are you here?
🦊: Um,to attend camping? I guess
🌸: Your a student?
🦊: Oh god!,we all are. Idiots
🌸🐥: Eh?
🦊: Your not coming?
🐥🌸: Wait for us!
Bus driver: is everyone here already?
Leader: Yes!

The ride was not so noisy.Just couple of students chatting with each other. Some are eating snaks already. Few are sleeping, and then there Yujin Staring outside.

🐥: *Yawn* are you not going to sleep?
🐶: No
🐥: I'm going to sleep
🐶: Go sleep,..... forever
🐥: Yah~

About an hour,they arrive at place. There are a lot of tress, a lake in front,perfect for fishing,the weather is nice.

🐶: Wake up! *Shaking Yena's body*
🐥: Five more minutes *half asleep*
🐶: I'm leaving
🐥: Okey,okey wait for me
🐥: So, where are we heading?
🐶: Prof said stay with our leader
🐥: Aw,okey

While they are walking. Wonyoung,minju and Yuri on the other hand is preparing there stuffs.

🐰: Can you help me?
🐸: With what?
🐰: My tent
🐸: YURI!
🐭: WHAT!?
🐭: What?
🐰: Help me with my tent
🐭: Okey

After a few minutes they are done with their tents.

🐰: Want some snacks
🐸: *Grab the snack*
🐭: Here!
🐸: *Throw the snack*
🐰: Nice catch there

Few of the students are now sitting close to the lake. Wonyoung and minju is playing something, Yuri dismiss herself and get inside her tent.

🌸: Are you up for a walk?
🐥: Yeah *looking at Yujin*
🐶: Don't look at me,I'm not going
🐥: *Pouting* okey

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