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~Advance sorry for the wrong grammar~


1week later...

W🐰: Unnie
🐭: ???
W🐰: Can I ask?
🐭: Go on
W🐰: What are you going to do this Christmas?
🐭: Nothing,I'll just do the thing I usually do
W🐰: You're not going to spend time With Yena?
🐭: I don't know,why?
W🐰: nothing
🐭: What's your plan?
W🐰: My plan?
🐆: She's going out with Yujin
W🐰: *startled*
🐆: Right?
🐭: That's not a surprise tho
W🐰: I don't know... maybe I'll just stay home
🐆🐭: *Look at Wonyoung*
🐭: Did you forgot that you like going somewhere when it's Christmas
W🐰: Ohhh... I w-want to try staying at home this time
🐆: But your in Yujin's house... Right?
W🐰: sorry I have to use the toilet
🐭🐆: *Look at Wonyoung* The toilet is that way
W🐰: oh yeah,I forgot
🐆: She's weird
🐭: I know
🐆: Coffee?
🐭: Yeah,lets go

W🐰: Jagi?... Jagi? *Open Yujin's room* she's not home? Where is this dog?

Wonyoung change her clothes and dump herself in her bed.
Minutes of playing in her phone when someone knock on her room

W🐰: *open the door* Jagi *smile*
🐶: Where were you earlier?
W🐰🐶: *kiss each other's cheek*
W🐰: I was with Yuri unnie,I help her with something
🐶: I was in your room Earlier
W🐰: really? I'm sorry
🐶: It's fine
W🐰: *sweet smile* you should change your clothes
🐶: Yeah *leave* wanna come?
W🐰: Yujin!
🐶: Just joking jagi

Yujin changed her clothes,she headed in the kitchen and get some water. She's looking at her phone while walking when Wonyoung and her almost bump on each other

🐶: I'm sorry
W🐰: *giggle* You shouldn't bump a queen
🐶: Tssk *eye roll*
W🐰: *cross arms* you don't do that to me Jagi
🐶: *Kiss Wonyoung's cheek* sorry Jagi
W🐰: i still hate you
🐶: I know

Yujin got back in her room,she open her laptop and proceed on doing her school works.

20 minutes later...

🐶: *Phone buzzing* who's this sh!t again? *Pick up the phone*
🐥: Buddy?

What do you need?:🐶

🐥: Are you busy?

I'm always busy Yena:🐶

🐥: Ohhh

Tell me:🐶

🐥: What?

I know you Yena, tell me. You wouldn't call me if it's nothing:🐶

🐥: ... Can you come---


🐥: But I'm not done yet


🐥: Just now Yujin

No Yena,I'm doing my school work:🐶

🐥: You still have tomorrow Yujin

I have something to do tomorrow:🐶

🐥: What?


🐥: What something?

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