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(Um, baes, please comment...it makes me sad when I only get like one comment. Especially since usually I'm proud of my work and I just want people to enjoy it with me. People usually do this for Edmund, but I kinda wanted to do it with Peter and be unique)

What Nightmares Can Do

You're not one to be a debby downer. You were taught from a young age to smile no matter the circumstances. To find happiness in the darkest situations even if it's something you have to reach for. While this isn't terribly dark, but you can't seem to find it in you too look for the good.

High King Peter isn't unlovable, but you're unsure that any love the two of you feel would go as deep as couples who were given the pleasure of falling in love. You can't force feelings, they're those things that develop whether you want them to or not. And in such a situation as this, it would be much easier if they would develop.

You had heard about him, him being King Peter. He seemed intelligent to you, enough so that his Kingdom was continuing to grow and prosper. You quite liked what you heard, but his uninterest in meeting you was a big step in the wrong direction. The first time you meet him was at the alter. Before then he was "too busy".

He didn't seem unlikable when you met him. Which matched the rumors you heard that labeled him as a true gentleman. In fact, he smiled gently at you when you walked down the aisle, almost as if he'd known you forever and was about to marry his best friend - which is what you secretly imagined.

He took your hands carefully in his, holding them as if he'd done it a million times before. He recited his vows with confidence, as if he meant every word. He slipped the ring on your finger with what seemed to be little to no regrets. But when it came to kissing you, he hesitated.

Your heart stopped for a moment until you realized he was waiting for you. If you didn't want him to kiss you, then he wasn't going to kiss you. After all, he had just met you, regarding the fact he'd also just married you. Nevertheless, you gave a slight nod of approval.

The kiss was short and sweet. Not at all what you imagined the kiss at your wedding to be. But this was not the wedding that you wanted. However, you can't complain about the kiss itself. You can now confirm the rumors of his above average lip lock skills.

You had his attention for the day. Together you shared an awkward conversation, an awkward meal, and an awkward dance. Though you quite enjoyed the way he held you. Tight enough to declare he was not embarrassed of you in any right, but just gentle enough to convey his nervousness at the endeavor. He guided you around the dance floor, carrying on meaningless conversation as he looked deep into your eyes.

But once all the guests had bade you goodnight with winks and nudges is their own, you both came to realize what was next. You'd have to share a bed with this stranger - a very nice stranger that made your heart flutter, but a stranger no less.

Neither of you slept well your first night together. You faced away from each other, trying not to do anything that might be annoying. Trying not to breathe too loud, snore, or move too much. Not wanting to make enemies with the stranger on the opposite side.
The weeks that followed became significantly brighter as the awkward atmosphere dispelled. The conversations you shared weren't as forced and you found that you enjoyed spending time with Peter. Though he still made you nervous - in the best kind of way - his company was some you came to enjoy so much you'd purposefully place yourself in situations where you got his attention.

The two of you grew to like each other more by the day, but when it came to sleeping even an inch closer neither of you would budge.

Tonight was no exception.

The two of you came in laughing, stopping in the doorway when the realization of having to sleep came upon you both. Quietly, Peter shuts the door, ushering you off to the bathroom as he heads to the wardrobe plopped in the middle of the room.

No one could have known you two didn't know each other when you were married. You act just like a real couple. You talk, laugh, and tease each other. You hold hands, you never withhold kisses. But when it comes to snuggling, neither of you could bring yourself to do such a thing.

Having completed your nightly routine, you place a soft kiss on Peter's lips and climb in bed. Knowing he still has some work to do and, in about an hour or so, will join you.

But your sleep is anything but restful. You toss and turn, plagued by feverish nightmares. Nightmares of things you didn't know were fears of yours cause you to sit up suddenly, panting as you try to catch your breath.

"Are you alright, love?" You jump about six feet in the air, having not noticed Peter kneeling by the side of your bed, eyebrows knit together with concern.

"Yes, yes, I'm alright." You say slowly, glancing down at his hand that gently holds yours.

"Are you quite sure?" Peter asks, raising a questioning eyebrow at how you seem to doubt your own sentence.

"Yes, I'm quite sure." You lie, smiling at him. You're anything but fine. Your hands are shaking, your heart is rapidly beating, the hairs on the back of your neck stand on their ends. But you don't tell Peter any of this, knowing his habit of worrying himself sick and not being able to get any work done. Instead of explaining, you kiss the blonde mess he calls hair and lay back down, turning such that you are facing him, but your eyes are closed.

It takes a minute, but with a sigh, Peter gets up, his footsteps receding. You hear papers being shuffled and the sound of a drawer opening and then closing. Through your tightly screwed eyelids you see the light of the candle Peter uses heading into the bathroom.

After a while you start to drift off, uncomfortable at the thought of your nightmares returning. You jump again when the bed dips and an arm carefully wraps itself around your waist. You tense - more than you already were - then slowly lean back against the warm body until you're cradled against it.

"Better?" Peter whispers softly.

"Better." You whisper, finally relaxing enough you can slip into a dreamless sleep.

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