...Do Any Of You Ever Think...

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Do any of you ever think...

...About how during the train station fight, Peter gets kicked in the stomach. And obviously that had to leave a bruise in its wake, that was probably still tender and purpley, green when he met Prince Caspian. And Prince Caspian kicked him in relatively the same place as an act of defense. But Peter didn't do merely more than cry out. He didn't stop or put a hand over it or really act like he was in pain. He thought quickly on his feet and didn't let the pain take over his brain.

Whenever I'm in pain it becomes the thing in the forefront of my mind and usually my ability to think becomes impaired; but clearly Peter had other things on his mind, the safety of his little sister for example, and refused to let pain stand in the way of protecting her. And lemme tell ya, that's one heck of a man right there.

...About why Edmund became the best swordsman in Narnia? I think it had to stem from the battle of Beruna. I haven't ever been disarmed before, but I can only imagine it being a helpless feeling. That you know you're losing and there's not much you can do about it. You can kind of see that on Edmund's face when Jadis is disarming him. Edmund was helpless. He was unevenly matched and he knew that.

Helplessness is a dreadful feeling. Especially when what immediately follows is the immense agony of being stabbed in the stomach. I think that Edmund must have vowed he wasn't going to feel like that again. That he was going to arm himself with a weapon and be sure that he was so good with it there would never be another time he felt as helpless as he did with Jadis.

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