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(*gives gif of Edmund breathing* but how is someone breathing so dang cute. Like sir, save some cute for others please🤚 I actually kinda wanna make this a book, but I'm already working on so many other ones-letMeSimpRealQuick here you go, finally at last)

A Cosmic Moment

Another arranged marriage. You'd heard tales of such, but were hoping your parents wouldn't sign away your love life. You wanted the joy of falling in love for yourself. But the King was looking for a bride and your father isn't one to pass up an opportunity to climb a rung on the social ladder.

At first you were convinced it was just a joke. That your father wouldn't really just give you away to some random man. Through from what you'd heard, many crazed Narnians would kill for an opportunity to make eye contact with King Edmund.

The reality of the situation came crashing down only when you were sitting in a chair, your hands folded delicately in your lap as you visibly watch your husband pace.

His hands are tightly clasped behind his back, only coming unclenched to run a hand through his already messed up hair. His sword lightly hits his leg with each, surprisingly soft, step. Finally, he turns to look at you, his eyes slightly twinkling with pride as he gives you the softest of smiles.

You blush slightly. Wondering how one man can have such a charming smile as you look down at your lap. Smiling wistfully back at him. You'd grown to like King Edmund. A lot. While his air was mostly intimidating, he had a softness no one but you got to see. And you have to admit, it made you feel special. The little moments where he'd steal a kiss, send you a wink, hug you from behind, or draw you from anything and everything for snuggles were the moments you loved the most.

From the smile it because apparent that he isn't mad at you. Which is good because you're not sure what you would have done to provoke his anger.

Edmund is quite slow to get angry with you and for him to be upset must mean you had done something terrible. You're not characterized by doing terrible things, so the only times you've consoled him, have been because other people have pushed him to the limit. (Push it push it, to the limit limit)

He watches you for a moment more, a smirk tugging at his lips when he notices the blush. "My eyes are up here, love." He says, sitting on the edge of the chest at the end of your shared bed. Taking your hands gently in his own. Brushing his thumb across the back of your hand.

"I know." You reply, making no move to look up at him.

Edmund frowns. He loves your eyes. Dare he say it's his favorite physical feature of yours. Besides your nose, your smile,and everything else.

He makes no move to drop your hands, but sighs in slight disappointment. He looks out through the two large glass windows and door, taking in the balcony that hasn't changed much since that morning. He turns back with a slight smile on his face.

"Not even if I said pretty please with a cherry on top?" You giggle softly and look up at him, scooting off your chair to wrap your arms around his neck.

"Alright you've convinced me." He smiles and settles you on his lap. After smoothing out your dress, he wraps his arms around your waist.

"Now can I ask you a question?"

"Technically you just did." Edmund shakes his head, signaling he's being serious. Your smile drops as you nod.

"Of course, My King." You say. Waiting impatiently for him to ask the question that is evidently not burning a whole in his pocket.

It's his turn to avoid your eyes. Looking anywhere, but at you he mumbles: "Do you think I'm a good King?"

"I do, of course I do!" You reply quickly. Dropping your arms to take his hands again. Unwrapping one to hold it.

"Are you sure?" He asks skeptically.

"Yes, why aren't you?"

"I don't know. I just don't feel much like a King. I'm more of a glorified prince." He says slowly, shaking his head.

Unsure of how to comfort him, you say the first thing that comes to your mind. "Well you're my king."

Edmund's breath hitches as he stops breathing for a moment. He looks up at you with slight surprise he can't mask plastered across his face.

"What did you say?" He whispers. You freeze slightly, now afraid that you've made him angry.

"You're my king." You reply, matching his volume.

You're not sure what happened, but in a sudden moment he's pressed his lips against yours in no gentle manner. You don't hesitate to kiss him back.

His kisses never fail to knock the wind out of you. They're magical every single time. Like something straight out of a disney movie. They range from soft and sweet to rough and needy. Very needy. This one seems to swing towards being a very needy kiss.

It makes sense to you. Sometimes he just needs a reminder that he's loved and accepted. That he's more than what happened in his past and sometimes a simple kiss is the way to remind him.

You're once again unsure what's happened, but before you can react you've been pressed back against the pillows so carefully arranged, propped against the headboard.

You giggle softly against Edmund's lips. Tangling your hands in his hair, messing it up even more. He smiles back at you through the kiss. Gently massaging your waist, causing you to squirm slightly at the unexpected contact.

Edmund smirks, holding tightly onto you. He moves to deepen the kiss, groaning at a swift knock on the door. He pulls away just enough to respond with a harsh:

"Go away!"

Peter's voice answers with urgency. Explaining that he's in desperate need of help from Edmund.

Edmund groans again and, with a promise the he will finish what he started later, gets up. He adjusts his outfit to look more presentable, sends you a wink, and disappears out the door.

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