●How They React to You Wearing Their Crown●

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Peter- loved it and hated it at the same time
Peter has this thing against being challenged and, as great as you usually are, sometimes you push those buttons just enough he can't decide what he should do (btw your marriage fixed this problem because then he could do the things he wanted to). He'd watch, his eyes ablaze, his fists and jaw clenched, but his insides churning happily.

Thus, he almost knew that he was putting himself in this position when he asked you to hold onto his crown while he tried on some clothes for Susan. The second he was out of sight, you plopped it on your head, much to Susan's giggly delight. At first, he thought it was cute. He loved it, in fact, but then you started acting like him.

It made Susan giggle the way you'd sit in her vanity chair, lower your voice, and do your best impression of him while narrating the outfits he was trying on. Your charade brought him right to the edge and then you were gone. His crown was sitting where you once were and Susan told you he kept glancing over, asking about your whereabouts as if you didn't almost just drive him crazy.

Edmund- cannot get enough
You were bored waiting for him to get back from training to eat dinner with you. Thus, you decided to clean up his chambers a little (since you know he likes to keep things tidy). You were busy knocking the dust off of his desk, when you saw his crown still where he'd left it on growing a stack of papers.

You'd passed your eyes over it, knowing you technically weren't supposed to wear it. It's a violation of something somewhere and you wouldn't want to upset Edmund even though he's cooler than the coolest cucumbers about these types of things. He could care less about certain rules and this is one of them.

You turned your back on it, adjusting the covers on his bed so it wouldn't look like you were rolling all on it trying to soak up his scent, only to run out of stuff to do. There was plenty, but you could only think of one thing you wanted.

You swiped it quickly off his desk, planning to put it back when you heard his footsteps in the hallway - Edmund has quite the heavy footsteps. You turned back to your cleaning now that the one thing occupying your mind had been relieved.

Unbeknownst to you, Edmund stood in the doorway, his arms crossed, watching you dance around the room with his crown on your head with a smirk. He'd seen a lot of sights he'd loved, but this takes the cake, the pie, and the whole bakery. He was quite sad, when you turned around and saw him watching and he couldn't convince you to go on as if he wasn't there.

Caspian- Took it as an excuse to tease you, but he loved it
Teasing is the glue that holds your relationship together. You're not best friends if you don't make fun of each other. Caspian often teased you about your fleeting dream to be a royal like him and this was just another reason for him to get a hold on you.

He'd asked you to bring his crown to the ballroom to help him practice for the upcoming ball being thrown. You'd made it on time, expecting for him to be waiting for you, only to find the ballroom utterly empty.

Now, you curse the tune that was playing in your head, but you fell victim to the siren's song then, and waltzed around the empty ballroom with pictures of ball gowns, crowns, and adoring subjects filling your imagination. You didn't want to drop Caspian's crown or put it on the ground, so you placed it on your head as you danced alone.

Caspian opened the door as loudly as humanly possible and was surprised when you didn't seem to notice him. So he stood against the wall, grinning like an idiot. You knew you'd messed up when you turned around to see him and mistook his teasing for him just being an annoying boy (when really he's an annoying boy that doesn't know how to communicate his feelings).

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