●How You Met●

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(Starting off with one everyone would expect me to start off with- how you met. Anyway, for those who don't know, this is my authors note. There will be one before every chapter. You don't have to read them, but I would suggest it because I'm pretty funny *hair flip* there will be warnings here if there's anything that may be triggering here as well as updates on my life because I know you're just dying to know all about mwah. Anyway enjoy!)

You're the Princess of a nearby region. You were sent to Narnia on "vacation". Unbeknownst to you, your kingdom was being threatened by Telmarines and your parents wanted to keep you safe. They knew that you wouldn't go if you knew the real reason why they sent you away. Peter and his siblings are in charge of keeping you safe and your real reason for visiting a secret.

You're Susan's lady in waiting. You and Susan are a lot alike in your personality so you quickly became her best friend. Being her lady in waiting, you are in charge of keeping her out of trouble. You go everywhere she does and often see Edmund. He was a little skeptical of you at first.

You're a servant in Miraz's castle. You and Caspian are close to the same age and best friends. (Yeahh "best friends") You escaped from Miraz's castle with him. Not about to be left behind, especially since Miraz knows that the two of you are best friends and will grill you until you give up information on where Caspian went.

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