●The First Time You Saw His Soft Side●

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(Just a teenie reminder that this is still all before you are dating :) You're welcome)

You had a near death experience. You were helping Peter by perfecting a stack of his papers when you gasped. Peter whirled around so fast he almost fell only to find you holding your finger, a slightly amused smile on your face.

"I got a paper cut."

Of course you were fine, but Peter was avid about making sure that your finger got the proper treatment. Going so far as to bandage it himself. He babied you, mostly because he felt like a failure for not keeping you completely safe as he had promised. As a side note, he makes you wear gloves whenever you do anything involving paper now.

You had a nightmare. It wasn't a bad one, not like his are, but it still scared you. You were napping beside him, then all the sudden you were awake, face to face with a very worried King. You hadn't made a sound, but Edmund saw you tense and was quick to wake you and ask if you were alright.

This happened to be the first time he hugged you too. His touch was gentle, comforting you could say. He offered to talk about it with you and held you until you fell asleep again. Which didn't take long because he's warm, smells really nice, and is pretty much a human pillow.

You were sick. Like really sick. One of those sicknesses that knocks you for a loop. Caspian was by your side the entire time. Holding your hand, constantly feeling your forehead, rubbing your back, finding any food that you desired (if you wanted any at all). He told you that it was his duty as your best friend, but everyone could tell he was trying to convince himself.

He would let out a worried noise everytime you coughed. Wrap his arm around you, to steady you, when you sneezed, and asked you if you were okay every five minutes. He was a huge softie and didn't even care when he got a mild version of what you had a week or so later.

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