●How He Acts Around You●

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(I'm still sick, yay. But it isn't bad. My head just hurts a lot and I'm a little congested, but other than that I'm okay! I am going to drag this out as long as possible before getting to dating, #firstpersontoslowburnthroughpreferances, though I'm running out of ideas so an ideas you have would be very helpful!)

Peter tends to listen more when you're around. He wants you to think that he's one of those good leaders that knows the right idea when he hears it (this isn't from newsies shush) so he leans more towards listening to what other have to say and less towards trying to come up with all the answers. You've picked up on this and try to be around as much as possible during important meetings. Though sometimes you can't make it. (Cue the raid in Prince Caspian)

He acts like your presence doesn't bother him, but he's not cool on the inside. He desperately wants to impress you, though he takes care not to make a fool of himself. Seeing as he is still a king. But he tries to have your attention before he does anything remotely near impressive. (Just by breathing he impresses my. Like how is he so cute?)

Caspian is a huge softie. He is completely whipped for you and everyone can tell. It doesn't matter if what you say is small or huge, if someone tries to talk over you he will punch them in the throat. (geez Casp I would not have pinned anger issues on you) He won't hesitate to get you anything you need no matter how small. Even though you've made it perfectly clear you don't need his help. He does not care.

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