●Their Reaction To You On Their Throne●

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(I've been sitting on this one for a while now guys (hehehe get it?) it's trash, but I'm back. I went to a Reniassance Faire and it was everything I ever needed in my life - there was a boy that looked like Edmund around my age and one that looked like Peter and one that looked like an older Eustace and ahdndksksksk. Anyway, I hope you can ignore the trashiness of this and enjoy something about it)

Much like with his crown, there are so many emotions. Mostly how much he'd love to put a ring on that finger of yours and a crown on your head and officially get to call you his Queen. Something about you, on his throne, even when you're just casually sitting, makes him wild. He loves it, but another part of him wants you to get up. He wants you to recognize him as King (because PC ego) and be in awe of him - which you already are you just don't give him that satisfaction. Long story short you make his throne look so much better.

Edmund loves it. He loves the way you look sitting there. It confirms all of his speculations of how great of a Queen you would be. He especially loves that when he gives you his signature smirk - indicating how pleased he is - you blush and giggle, eagerly settling yourself in the seat. He would not mind - in the slightest - if one day he sat down and you took up residence on his lap. He would love that more than anything else in the world. Long story short you make his throne look so much better.

Caspian thinks it's hilarious. Especially because you always lower your voice and try to act all regal, pretending you're him. He knows you do it just to make him laugh and it works every time. He finds you so utterly adorable that he can't help but giggle when you pick your way to his throne and plop yourself down. He also wouldn't mind if, somehow, someway, you got a throne of your own right next to his. He really wouldn't mind that at all whatsoever. Long story short you make his throne look so much better.

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