●His Reaction To You Telling A Random Joke●

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(The joke I chose for Peter made me crack a smile, I giggled a bit because of the one I chose for Edmund, but Caspian's had me snorting)

"Peter." You giggle, rolling over in his bed to face where he was sitting at his desk. Today had been one of those days where you didn't feel like bothering Susan, you could never bother Lucy, and Edmund was not one to take kindly to being bothered. Instead you decided to try your luck with Peter.

He was happy to accept your company and you were happy to roll around the bed of the High King (much to his delight as now it would smell like you, but of course he never said that outloud), a book in hand.

You had promised to be quiet as a mouse, but that was quickly broken as the book you'd found to get lost in happened to be a joke book.

Busy with whatever he was doing, probably reading a page full of gigantic words no one can pronounce, he responds with a lazy "hm?"

"Two muffins are sitting in the oven," this grabs his attention and he looks up at you, his brows remaining furrowed.

"One turns to the other and says 'wow it's pretty hot in here.'" Peter tilts his head when you begin to giggle, unable to finish.

Peter, of course, found this to be adorable. The sound of your laughter filled him with a bubbly sense of joy he just can't help but smile at.

"And the other one shouted," you take a deep breath.

"Wow! A talking muffin!"

Edmund twirled your queen around his index finger, watching you intently with a satisfied smirk. Your loss was imminent, but you had one more trick up your sleeve to buy yourself more time.

Edmund is notoriously known for his quick thinking. He often gets bored playing chess with those who don't make swift, yet impeccable, decisions. Namely you.

"Come on, Y/n," he often coos. "It's not nice to keep me waiting." And so often the way he talks spurs you to make a split second decision that's ultimately your downfall.

Today, you decided, would be different. Just when you could tell he was getting bored with waiting, you opened your mouth to speak.


"Yes, love?"

"Two windmills are standing on a wind farm," Edmund raises an eyebrow at you. "One asks 'what kind of music do you like?' The other says, 'I'm a big metal fan.'"

Edmund leans back in his chair, blowing air out of his nose as he tried to keep his composure. He licked his bottom lip, taking it between his teeth as he shakes his head at you.

"You can try all you want, but it won't distract me, love."

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah." Pushing your piece across the board, you cross your arms over your chest.


You could tell he was a little down. He hadn't been having the best day and over half was still left to come. His meeting hadn't gone well, he was still at odds with Peter, and his head was pounding.

You had met him while walking with Lucy in the ✨corridor✨. Without a word, he trudged past you and through the door to his ✨chambers✨ shutting it behind him.

Caspian never just walked past you. He always stopped and made some comment. It could be about anything. Your outfit, the weather, lunch. Nothing was beyond him except not talking to you.

Puzzled, you changed directions so suddenly, poor Lucy, who's arm had been interlocked with yours, almost ended up on the floor. As far as you knew you had not done anything to him. He couldn't be angry at you. Could he?

"Caspian?" You call, softly knocking at the door. Ignoring the look that Lucy was giving you that, no doubt, teased you for your concern, yet shared the same.

"Mmm," came the muffled reply. You could tell he was laying face down in bed, trying to block out the world. Which is often what he did in situations like this.

You hadn't thought this far into your plan, but quickly decided to try your hand at cheering him up. It could terrible backfire on you or go great. Either way it would give you insight into what's going on.

"What do you call a man with no arms and no legs at the pool?"


"Bob." It was quiet for a moment before the door flew open. There stood Caspian, shaking as if he was sitting in a massage chair. All at once he burst out laughing so hard you thought that he might fall on the floor.

"Thank you, Y/n, I don't know what I would do without a best friend like you."

"So you're not mad at me?"

"No way, but do you want to know who I am mad at?" Poor Lucy was left standing outside as you were dragged into his room.

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