Part 1. Back Story and General information

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Your mother passed away when you were only three years old. Your Father Heartbroken drowned his sorrow in alcohol eventually he lost his job filled with sorrow and regret he started to abuse and neglect you. He wouldn't let you go outside often if at all and would often not feed you or give you clothes. You would hide from him in small places as well. All of this also stunted your growth as well. That is till you received your quirk.

Your quirk is Toy Maker. As long as you create, mold, shape, or sew a toy together, it will come to life and then will mimic the thing it resembles. You can control them, but they are sentient when awake. Even if it is just reassembling something you took apart or that was taken apart. For example, if you would take a toy soldier apart, if you put it back together, it will come to life but will be weak. The more handmade the item is, the stronger it becomes. You don't have to make plushies, but they are your favorite and enjoy making them, so that is what you stick mainly to. You can make sculptures or figurines as well and sometimes do, but it is a harder process. The drawbacks are stunted growth and sleepiness, and if too many are awake, you will get a headache and a nosebleed.

After a year of receiving your quirk, you have made it into the care of Aizawa Shouta and Yamada Hizashi. Becoming their first adopted child. Growing up, your parents wanted to make sure you could properly look after yourself since you wanted to become a hero. Having Midnight teach you how to use a whip and get you into classes that taught you hand to hand combat, how to throw a knife, how to use a dagger, and basic knowledge about guns. Your parents ended up adopting Shinso Hitoshi two years after taking you in. Your family has several cats, yours being an orange male tabby named Z.

Personality wise, you are childish due to your past as well as the nature of your quirk. You are quiet compared to others, but try to be nice to everyone. You like to joke around a lot as well, but only with those that you are close with, like Toshi. You can, in general, look however you want, but your hair will be slightly curly. You are Tsuyu's height, which is 150 cm and 4' 11". In general, you like dark places, stuffed animals, coloring books, nighttime, sweets, and snacks. You dislike the sun, being hot and sweaty, certain vegetables (most), corpses.

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