Chapter 18

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~Skip to the school and when you are in your seat~

Sitting in my seat at the very back, Bakugou comes in after five to ten minutes. He sits in his seat, and I just gaze out the window, waiting for my friends to come. I decided to listen to music in some earbuds and hook them up to my phone. Playing one of my playlists, Masquerade by Siouxxie, comes on. Just rock my head back and forth listening to the song.

After jamming out with my eyes closed, I enjoyed the music. I feel someone get on my desk. Looking up, I see Kyoka. She reaches for one of my earbuds before she can take it, though I sit sideways so it will be easier for her to use my earbud. I took it off and offered it to her, and she put it on listening to my music. Soon after he put it on, Suki Suki Daisuki came on by Jun Togowa.

She looked at me a bit weirdly. My music taste was a bit weird and all over the place, but this was the type of music that hyped me up. Weird and gore but upbeat. I hummed out the song and sang along quietly for a bit here and there. Dancing around a bit to the rhythm.

Soon after, though, Momo came over. They chatted with each other a bit until the song we were listening to was over. I stopped the music and looked around the room, noticing Dad came in but had no sight of Fumikage yet. Kyoka handed me my earbuds, and I put them back in my bag with my phone. I'm checking to see if we still had over ten minutes before class started.

"Hey guys," I smiled at them as I was ready to join the conversation.

"Hey, Baby missed you last night," Momo said, referencing how I ignored them. Jirou just nodded a hello at me.

"I was talking to Fumikage before dinner last night, sorry guys." I said they just smiled down at me.

"Where is Fumikage,"Momo asked, looking around.

"I don't know," I said. " I wonder if he will be late or if he has already finished talking to Papa.

"On another note, do you guys want to hang out this weekend, just us, Ojiro and Fumikage." I said, shifting my seat back forward, facing and laying my head on Fumikages thigh again.

"Yeah, sure, Baby." Jirou said

"What would we be doing?" Momo asked

"I thought maybe we could go out to Karaoke or something. I know you enjoy music, Kyoka, though I don't know about everyone else."

"Karaoke sounds good to me," Momo said, smiling out.

"Same," I said, nodding my head into Fumikages thigh.

"So we just need to ask Ojiro and Fumikage at lunch when we have time." Kyoka nodded out as the bell rang for the last five minute warning.

"Talk to you in a bit," Momo said, waving at her as she sat down.

" Talk to you at lunch, Baby." Kyoka said.

"Bye Bye Kyoka" I smiled at her.

Please Star

Hey guys, if you haven't, please go vote for the hero name. I really want you guys to pick out the name.

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