Chapter 8

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Which was Cementoss class. Fumikage walked over to my seat again and leaned on it a bit and pet my hair. I was a little shocked, but I let it happen since it felt nice, and I felt myself slipping into little space. Kyoka and Ojiro walked over as well and started to pet me in different places on my head as well.

"Ha, you're so cute (Y/n)," Kyoka said," I feel all my stress from life just melting away."

"I know what you mean," Ojiro said, grinning and chuckling.

I stared at Fumikage a bit, then looked at the others and said, "Thank uw," slipping farther into little space even more.

"Aww, how cute” I heard someone say. It was a girl with long black hair in a ponytail. Kyoka blushed a bit at the girl.

"My name is Momo Yaoyorozu. I sit in front of you Aizawa-san,'' she said, smiling at me and the others.

"Just call me (Y/N) my Big brother goes here too and Dad teaches so people might get confused," I said, smiling a little bit at her, which she returned again. Everyone stopped petting me besides Fumikage, but he played with my curls a bit still.

Cementoss came in, and everyone went back to their seats. Fumikage touched my neck a bit before he left though which made me really blush. I did not really pay attention in Cementoss class. I took notes, but I was mainly coloring silently. It was the first day, and he would not have any work for us yet. The day passed quickly as I colored.  I had exchanged my phone number with Kyoka, Ojiro, Momo, and Fumikage at one point before school ended.

After school did end, I went to the teachers' lounge to wait for Dad, Papa, and Toshi. I was still coloring and a bit in little space. Toshi came in first because he was near the lounge.

"Hey Bubba, Dad's got Hero work to do so Papa is taking us home. He will make dinner but then has to go to his radio show. He should be here soon," Toshi said, sitting down. He pats my hair a bit before pulling out his phone and playing some game on it.

Papa burst through the door" COME ON YOU TWO WE GOTTA GO GO GO" Papa looked at me smiled and then helped me pack my coloring book in my little bag and lightly said "Come now little listener we gotta get you home so you can tell me about your day and I can get ready for my radio show" Toshi was already up and Papa picked me up and put me on his hip and carried down to the parking lot and then sat me down in my seat "Can you buckle yourself in Little listener?" Papa asked, and I just nodded my head and buckled myself in.

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