Chapter 9

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Once we got home, Papa held my hand to go inside and set me in the dining room so he could hear me talk about my day. Toshi went upstairs to play video games or something.

"So how was it, little listener?" Papa asked. He was yelling a bit, but since he was in the kitchen, he was not that loud. I felt the full effects of little space now Papa always makes me slip.

"I had fun. I made some friends, uh Fumikage, Ojiro, and Jirou. Me and To-To(Toshi's nickname when you are little) and I had lunch with them," I said, coloring in my mini book and swinging my legs." I also met Momo and Midoriya. I like Momo. She sits in front of me. Midoriya is nice, but he is a little weird and rambles a lot. But I like Fumikage out of everyone Papa. He is really nice and he secretly ate my peas for me." I finished talking.

"Aww, that sounds nice, Little Listener, but you have to eat your vegetables" Dad said putting a juice box and fruit squeeze next to me, opening both for me then going back to cooking.

"I know, and Thankie Papa," I said and started drinking my juice and coloring.

~time skip to after Mic left for his radio show~

I was in my room watching Youtube with Z. Z was lying down next to me. I had de-spaced a bit before dinner. I had been in a little space a lot today, and it seemed no one really noticed exactly what was going on with me or thought I was weird for acting childish or like a child.

Soon, my phone buzzed, and I opened it. Z, my bug baby is my background. I looked at my notifications and noticed I was added to a group chat. It seems actually two, one for class 1A Dad set up, and the other one was with the friends I made today and a few others. I opened the one Dad set up.

AizawaSensei{This chat is mainly for school announcements and other things related to maybe setting up study groups, but honestly, I don't care what happens in the group as long as it is appropriate. This chat will be muted on my phone, so if you really need to contact me through the group chat, get (Y/N) to get me on. That's all goodbye.}

He must have set this up before he went to work. I opened up the other chat as it had more notifications.

Emo Bird {Jirou and I set this up for all of us to chat in so we do not have to repeat info}

PlayList { Most people here are the chiller people in class, so let's keep it that way. This is also a secret group chat. Don't just add people. We added everyone for a reason}

MartialArtists {Yo guys, this is Ojiro who is setting the nicknames in the chat?}

Tea spiller{Me and Jirou aka Playlist are since we know most about you guys. If you don't like them, just change them, though}

MOMo You are Mina right}

Tea Spiller{Yep}

Baby{ Hey Guys}

Baby {wait, why is my nickname baby?}

Shark Teeth, uh ah ah { Sup, guys, so basically, only a few people in the class are in here, but what are the criteria} "

Holã { Yeah, and who is Baby cause I don't know them, I think}

MOMo { If I had to guess, it is (Y/N) that is the only  person I can think of that would be named that}

Playlist {It is}

Baby{ umm Hello, I am Aizawa (Y/N) it is nice to meet you guys. I don't think we talked today. I still don't understand why my nickname is baby either.}

Hola{ Hi, I'm Sero. You are Aizawa's son, though, right}

Baby {yeah}

Shark Teeth, uh ah ah{Hey, my name is Kirishima. Nice to meet you to (Y/N)}

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