Chapter 11

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I finally got off my phone and put it on charge. I was too tired to change out of my regular clothes, so I just curled up against my stuffed animals and fell asleep.

It rose up after all my stitching was finished talking like mother on had, but its speech was broken. I was crying in the corner, shaking as the man went over and kissed it. I threw up right then and there in the corner, the little food I had eaten the past few days rising to my throat and finally out my throat, leaving my stomach emptier than it was before. The man grinned at me and motioned for me to come over. I couldn't hear what he was saying, and the man was blurred out from all the tears that were pouring out my eyes. He seemed angry that I was not coming over to finish his perfect family.

I sat up in bed. I felt dirty. I hurried to the bathroom, not paying attention to the time I had to get clean. I stripped off my clothes quickly and just turned on the shower to the hottest it went. I stood in the shower, letting the scalding water stream down my body before I started scrubbing my body till my skin was red. I was in a trance while trying to get clean. I did not hear Papa or Dad come to the door asking me if I was ok or hearing them come in till they stopped the water and Dad wrapped a towel around.

"Hey, Kitten, it is ok. You're here, not there. You're clean, nothing nasty on you, Kitten." Dad picked me up and carried me to their room so I could sleep with them. Dad and Papa held me till I calmed down and relaxed.

"It's Ok Little Listener, we are here ok," Papa said. I just nodded, snuggling into Papa, and fell asleep again, this time not having any more dreams.

I was being shaken, so I opened my eyes and saw Papa. It must have been time for school.

"Hey, Little Listener, you can stay home if you want today, but no one else will be here, ok?"

I shook my head no “I wanna go to school. I made plans with my friends for lunch today. I feel a lot better, and if something happens, I will come to you or Dad."

"Ok dear, go get dressed then, and I will be downstairs cooking breakfast."

I got up and wrapped the towel they had wrapped me in when I had my episode around my body. I went to the bathroom and grabbed my clothes before going to my room. Toshi was heading out of his room. He looked me up and down and then hugged me, knowing I needed it.

"I love you, Kitten," Toshi said

"I love you to Toshi," I said

He pulled away and headed to the bathroom to get ready. I went to my room, putting on my uniform. And trying to fix my hair a bit, I decided to put multiple colors of hair clips in today. I grabbed my bag, my little bag, and my hero plush keychain, adding Present Mic to it today just for extra support. I left my room and headed downstairs sitting in my spot, waiting for breakfast. Papa was cooking while humming a tune. I just listened to him and started to relax. Toshi came down, followed by Dad, still half asleep.

Papa put the plates in front of us. It was sausage with eggs and toast, and I started eating. He gave me a glass of strawberry milk with my breakfast today.

"Toshi, watch out for your brother at lunch. He had a bad episode last night," Dad said as he also started to eat.

"I will Dad no worries, he made friends yesterday too." Toshi said. Papa nodded in agreement.

"Who?'' Dad asked

"If I remember correctly, it was Ojirou, Jirou, and he said that Fumikage was his favorite," Papa said, wiggling his eyebrows

"Papa!" I groaned out

"Yeah, he was caught staring at Tokoyami yesterday he was a blushing mess." Toshi chipped in.

"Ughhhh," I groaned again, feeling heat rise to my cheeks as my brother and Papa teased me.

"Hmm, Tokoyami, not blond, not loud. You're too young to date, " Dad finally said.

"What Toshi has dated a whole bunch of people, and we are the same age. He is just a few months older." I pouted out.

I just heard Papa, Dad, and Toshi laugh.

"It is different you are the Baby," Toshi said, smirking.

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