Chapter 16

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Papa laid me on my bed tucking me in. "Papa I really like Fumikage but we aren't dating. I wouldn't lie to you," I said. "He wants to ask if he can court me tomorrow but instead marriage, dating Papa."

I yawned and he gave me a small smile. Then handed me one of my stuffed animals and rubbed my head till I relaxed and fell asleep.

I was in a field with lots and lots of flowers. I was running around picking flowers. I heard a woman's voice. She was far away. I could not see her face but she was wearing a long flowy sundress and a big floppy hat. I walked over to the lady and as I got closer and closer I couldn't make out her features till I was in arms reach. Her face was decaying. It looked like she was stitched together.

I shot up breathing heavily looking around. I was still in my room. Z came over and rubbed up against me his way of telling me it was ok. I evened out my breathing and then got up after stretching. I got out of bed and gathered my uniform and everything I would need for school today.

I might as well get ready early. It was already the third time I have woken up earlier then my alarm. Though I'm glad I didn't wake up as early as yesterday morning. I brushed my teeth as I turned on the shower. I stepped in once I spit out the mouthwash that was swishing around my mouth. I relaxed as the warm water cascaded down my body. Massaging my scalp a bit to relax. I enjoy when my hair is played with or my scalp is massaged it made me sleepy so it helps me relax.

Getting out I wrapped a towel around my waist, I looked into the mirror and put on a headband and washed my face moisturizing it as well as rubbing in some lotion on my arms and legs. Brushing and drying my hair is the hardest part in my daily self care routine.

I headed back into my room fully dried off but I still had the towel on. I quickly got dressed putting on my underwear then my black under clothes which consisted of a long form fitting turtleneck deciding against wearing my leggings as I was a bit more comfortable at school now. I dressed in my uniform. I was wondering if I could get a bow, like the girls uniform, instead of a tie for my school uniform.

I quickly picked up my phone and sent a text to Fumikage even though I knew he was probably not up yet.

MyBaby{You will probably have a target on your back because of my brother's big mouth, watch out for my Dad. I did mention the courtship to Papa because I was upset. He seemed ok about it, sorry if I wasn't supposed to. See you Soon MoonBird}

Tossing my phone then in my bag. I pulled out the homework I finished yesterday at school. I looked it over one more time before I put it back. I remembered Dad had told me about a class with All might today and we would be wearing our hero costumes.

I looked at my hero plushes and decided to add dad to my Keychain. I had Dad, Papa, All Might, Hawks, and Recovery girl. I was thinking if I should take anyone else. I should probably take Midnight for crowd control just in case. I don't know what Allmights class will be like.

Looking at my little bag I knew if I looked in it right now I might slip and well I don't think little me will be able to handle breakfast with everything  that happened after dinner yesterday.

I started to smell food cooking so I decided to go ahead to breakfast. Grabbing my bag and slipping on my house shoes I called Z and he walked with me downstairs to the dining room rubbing up against my leg every once in a while.

Papa was cooking in the kitchen humming a tune and somewhat dancing around.

I sat down not disturbing him. I pulled out my phone and looked at the group conversation from yesterday. It was a new one that included everyone we chatted with yesterday. I read it over a bit, giggling as I saw Bakugou in all caps "yelling" at the others in the chat.

They also talked about how they wanted to hangout again at lunch.

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