Part 2. Hero Name

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What Should (Y/n) Hero Name be I am having so much trouble coming up with one.

I was thinking

1.Doll- Just thought it was cute and fit (Y/n) Aesthetic

2.ToyMaker- (Y/n) Makes toys 

3.Plushmaster- (Y/n) Favors making plushies 

4.MimicMaker- Highlights the ability to create objects that mimic real things.

5.DreamStitcher- Combines the whimsical, dream-like quality of their creations, how (y/n) is always tired and the fact they do a lot of stitching.

If you guys have any ideas let me know may add them here so they can be voted on and stuff. 

Also for Hitoshi's Hero name since it hasn't been revealed yet what should it be? A lot of people put Mindjack cause it what is on his battle card but it hasn't been confirmed in the manga yet. 






While thinking about the hero names I realizes both siblings could be called Mimic and just thought they could be an underground hero duo called the Mimics. Of course this is just a thought as I am still debating if (Y/n) should be a Limelight, Twilight, or Underground hero. 

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