Chapter 17

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Soon, Papa finally noticed me, and he gave me some orange juice today to drink with my breakfast.

"It will be done in a minute, little listener. I just gotta call your Dad and Brother down so we can start eating. Will you watch the food while I am up there?" Papa says as he heads back into the kitchen and brings back everyone's plates.

"Of course I will, Papa ,' I say as he sat my plate down in front of me. He heads upstairs, and I sit and wait. I open my phone again and go into the new group chat with everyone from the two groups.

Baby{Good Morning everyone see you at school.}

SharkTeeth uh Ah Ah{Good Morning Baby}


I hear Papa yelling and some grumbling from upstairs before I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

Baby{gotta, eat breakfast. See you guys in a bit.}

I put my phone back in my bag and wait for everyone to come downstairs as I hear more footsteps and and talking. I turn to see Papa and Toshi coming down. Toshi seems as tired as ever; he probably stayed up all night again.

He sat beside me. I sat straight in my chair, facing forward again. I observed that our breakfast was sausage and waffles. We had butter, syrup, and honey for us to use on our waffles. I heard Dad coming downstairs as Papa placed the orange juice on the table for everyone. Dad ruffled my hair, messing up my hairstyle a bit. He finished and sat down in front of me in his usual seat.

"How do you feel, Little Listeners?" Papa asked, sitting down trying to break the awkward atmosphere from last night. We finally started eating our food.

"Tired." Toshi yawned out, putting syrup on his food.

"Excited," I said, putting honey on my waffles and then grabbing the syrup from Toshi.

"That's good, Little Listeners. How about you, Sho?" Papa asked him, eating his own food.

"Tired, worried, and motivated." Dad said, shooting me a look real quick and sipping his coffee. I pretend not to notice it, though.

"How are you feeling, Papa?" I asked out, trying to move on from my Dad.

"Thanks for asking, Little Listener. I feel pretty happy and excited to start the day. I expect to have a really important conversation today, " Papa said. I blushed a bit, realizing he was talking about Fumikage asking permission. Breakfast was soon over, though it was one of the quietest ones yet.

Papa handed each of us our lunches and then started for the front door. I quickly put mine in my backpack. You could cut the tension with a knife that surrounded the three of us at the table still. We quickly finished up our food. I gathered everyone's dishes while Toshi grabbed everything that needed to go back in the fridge.

"COME ON Guys Time To Go To School," Papa yells out from the entryway. Once the dishes are rinsed out, I run over, grabbing my bag and putting it on as I race to the entryway, slipping off my house shoes and putting on my outdoor shoes. I continued racing out once done catching up with Papa as he unlocked the car. I sat on the left side and waited for my Dad and Toshi to get in.

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