Chapter 5

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" I think this is yours," Birdie said quietly, moving Hawky Plush in front of me.

"Oh Um, thank you they kinda have a mind of their own, really. "I said, embarrassed. 'Of course Hawky plush would go with the guy with bird features. The real Hawks has an agency with so many bird and flight type quirks' i hold my hand out, touching my fingertips with bird heads, and let Hawky Plush walk onto my hand from birdies.

"I understand your struggle," he said, and a dark entity rushed up beside him and then flew over to me and started nestling my head like, well, maybe a bird. Birdie blushed a bit at this, though.

"My name is Aizawa (Y/N)," I said nervously.

"Tokoyami Fumikage, and that is Dark Shadow. Nice to meet you, Aizawa. I understand now that it was just not a slip of tongue when you called Aizawa Sensei Dad earlier." He said, rubbing his neck while Dark Shadow started petting me with his hand? Claw?

"Oh yeah, some people are probably confused since we don't look alike. He adopted me awhile back." I said, smiling slightly."You can just call me (Y/N) so it won't be confusing." I said

"You may call me Fumikage, then it is only fair. It seems as though everyone else is here, so I shall go take my seat goodbye (Y/N)," Tokoyami said, waving slightly and walking off to his seat.

Dad walked in and stood at the front, looking everyone over quickly, then starts grabbing his sleeping bag and notes from the quirk assessment.
"It will be English class soon when he gets here." He says leaving.

Some people start talking amongst themselves, but I just finish stuffing my phrog and play with the plushy heros a bit. Soon though Papa comes in.

"OK OK ALL YOU LISTENERS IN YOUR SEATS WE WILL GO OVER THE SYLLABUS AND THEN I WILL INTRODUCE MYSELF AND SHARE A BIT ABOUT ME AND WHAT YOU WILL NEED FOR THIS CLASS THIS YEAR," Papa said he wasn't yelling just talking loud. He covers the syllabus going over what we will be learning in class. Finally, we introduced ourselves since he knew Dad did not have us do it yet.
"Ok, starting from the front, I want you to stand up and say your name, Quirk, and something interesting about yourself, Little Listeners," Papa said, trying to hype up the class.

It worked pretty well, though, as everyone seemed to be excited. Everyone had their turn saying their names, and eventually, it was FumiKage's turn to speak.

"Greetings, my name is Tokoyami Fumikage. My quirk is Dark Shadow. I placed 5th in the practical exams for U.A. It is a pleasure to go down this battle of darkness with you all." With that, he quickly sat back down. Eventually, it was my turn even though I did not wanna go. I knew I had to because I was not going to get special treatment from Papa unless it was serious.

"My name is Aizawa, (Y/N) My quirk is Toy Maker, and I like to make toys." I tried to sit down quickly like Fumikage but a guy with blonde hair and a black streak asked me a I did not pay attention to most students' introductions he sat in front of me too.

"So your Dad is Aizawa Sensei, then?"

"Um yeah," I quickly answered and sat down and finished sewing up the phrogs mouth and making him come to life. He hopped around my desk a bit. I saw Fumikage looking back at me a bit. I think he was smiling at my phrog. I smiled and motioned at him before putting my phrog to sleep again. After a few more people introduced themselves, the bell rang, signaling it was lunch. I put all my Hero stuffies to sleep and on their key ring.

Fumikage made his way back over to me and stood staring at me for a second before speaking. I looked at him a bit nervously.

"Would you like to join me and some other people for lunch (Y/n)?"

"Y-yes as-s long as long as my brother can sit with us as well," I said, grabbing my lunch and following Fumikage out to the Cafeteria. Some others walked with us. I noticed it was the quieter people class. It was the earphone jack girl from earliers race. I think her name is Jiro, and a boy that had a tail named Ojiro.

Please, Star

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