Chapter 3

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Once in the locker room, I quickly changed even though I still had my tights and stuff on. I was still uncomfortable a lot with all these strangers, and no one I knew. At moments like this, I really wish Toshi had gotten into the Hero course. I quickly got dressed and hurried outside and stood next to Dad on the field.

"So the nightmare, what was it about?" he asked, side glancing at me.

"It was during the incident with my Mom," I whispered out as I looked down at my shoes and tried to be as small as I could.

He just looked at me and rubbed my back.

"It's ok kitten. No one is going to hurt you here or do anything like that to you, ok?" He said calmly to me.

"I know I love you, Dad," I said while I kicked around a rock.

"Love you to Kitten," he said, ruffling my hair.

Eventually, everyone else came outside with their gym clothes on. They all stood in a group or around said group in front of Dad. I went to stand with them as well. I noticed the bird-headed guy again. He looked soft. I wanted to stroke his head. Would his feathers?? be soft, too?

Dad was talking. He seemed to say something to the spiky blonde calling his name Bakugou? I don't know. Maybe I should pay attention, mmm. Nah, I went back to staring at the guy with the bird head. Was I rude for staring? I found him interesting. Would he think I was being rude, or would I make him uncomfortable? Just then, he looked at me, staring right back at me.

I quickly diverted my eyes and looked around. It was hot and sunny today, I hate it. I wanted to go back inside. Why did we have to be outside? I knew the answer, but I don't wanna be out here.

"(y/n)" I heard Dad call, so I looked at him. Oh no, did he catch me staring at Bird Hottie. Is that weird? Did I find the Bird head guy hot? maybe? Or maybe it was just hot in general. It was only spring. Why was it hot outside already? I wish it would rain more.

"(Y/N) get in line and stop overthinking," Dad said, and I went in the line up. I was racing a girl with Headphone Jacks on her ears. I do not like running, but this was gonna be the most active. I am probably gonna be all day. So when Dad blew the whistle I started running, it seemed she was not much of a runner as it also took her a while, too.

Looking at her face closer, she was pretty. Now that I look at most of my class, everyone is pretty hot, not just bird guy. Why is this class just lucked out on looks this year? I finished running while thinking and went to the next test. It was a long jump. I just did my normal jump. I didn't go far. Eventually, it was the side jump. I was better at this than the long jump. Then, I had to do the grip test. Finally, something I can use my quirk on and not have to sweat, I cried out in my head.

"Come on Plushy Might," I said, pulling the little Plushy of All Might of my key ring of heroes. He started to flex and smile and did the real All Mights poses before he took the grip test into a bear hug and squeezed it as tight as he could.

"Good Job Plushy Might, would you like to stay out for a bit?" He just nodded his head a bit before I put him on my shoulder.

"(Y/N) ball throw," Dad said, handing me a baseball.

"Ok," I said. "Come hear Hawky Plush," I said quietly, taking him off my keychain and waking him up. He took the ball and flew off, taking the ball as far as he could before he wasn't in the reach of my quirk and threw it.

"Good job next," Dad said as I joined the others. I decided I wouldn't stare at Bird head anymore just in case I made him uncomfortable. Hawky Plush sat on my other shoulder away from Plush Might. I stood around and watched as the other students went, then I looked at my plushies and played with them a bit, mainly just poking them. Hawky Plush Flew away as he didn't want to be poked but Plush Might stayed and we finger wrestled??...Plush Might went easy on me though which is kinda a hit on my ego as he is literally a plushie. I didn't have to pay attention to Hawky Plush, though, as I knew he would just come back or hang around, knowing not to leave the area effect of my quirk.

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