Chapter 7

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" Oh yeah, dad only expelled one person who got last on the quirk assessment test. He must have liked everyone else," I said, staring at Dark Shadow while eating my tonkatsu and rice.

"What do you mean by only one person," Ojiro spoke up.

Toshi shook his head and said,' He normally expels at least four or five people after the assessment." Hitoshi said, looking at Ojiro.

I could tell the other three swallowed hard after Hitoshi said that.

"Yeah, he was definitely going to expel the Midoriya kid cause he can't really control his quirk that well he broke his finger at the ball throw. I think he was going to hurt himself more at first, but I think Dad stopped him. Then he only ended up breaking his finger, but Recovery Plush girl was able to heal it." I said

"Hmm, your quirk (y/n) is interesting," Ojiro said. " How are your toys able to use the heroes' quirk that they are of?"

"Ah well that is really hard and takes a lot of power to make them and to get them to come to life, it takes a lot of focus at first plus I have to study that person and their quirk a lot my biggest struggle is those with animal type quirks or features. Since I have to find the right balance between their quirk and materials."

"Is that why you were staring at me a lot earlier?" Fumikage said, looking at me.

"Uhh yeah, something like that. I thought your quirk would be bird-like, though it doesn't seem that way. Though I wanted to think about how I would maybe make a doll or stuffed animal of you. Would I just use regular fabric for your head or feathers like Hawky Plush's wings?" I said lying. I was just staring because I found him interesting or hot. I do not know yet. I was blushing really badly, though cause I got caught. Well, I knew I did. I just didn't expect him to just flat out and ask why, though.

FumiKage just gave me a nod. Hitoshi gave me a look while the other two stared at me.

"So would you make a plush of me?" Fumikage asked

"Uhh yeah I would like to but that would take a lot of research and information I would need to be able to make sure he is able to come to life and possibly use your quirk properly," I said still red and playing with my fingers.

"Well, let me know what you need to know if you want to make one," Fumikage said, going back to eating.

"Cough." Toshi facked a cough "here," Toshi said, handing me a strawberry yogurt he must have gotten when he left earlier.

"Thanks, Toshi," I said while taking the yogurt. The lunch bell rang a bit later after I finished my strawberries. I packed my lunch and then threw away my trash. I waved Toshi bye as I followed Fumikage and the others back to class to get the stuff for our next class.

Please Star

I am really sorry for this late update. College this semester really kicked my butt. I questioned the point of life a lot...

I am off for the semester, and I do not start school again until the end of January. I had drafts for this already ready. I just did not update cause I did not update my other stories, sorry.

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