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Me: Oh...she can't be dead, right?
Kenai: It is a little suspicious...
Botan: I don't know if I should feel sad or relieved
Akio: agreed.
Kenai: righttt
Kamiel: yeah
Kamiel: and she did kill my drug dealer...
Kenai: Ion know about y'all but im relieved right now
Me: rightt and if those bitches are faking her death then oh well.

I got off my phone and decided to go downstairs. When I went down, there was surprisingly a lot of people there. I saw the TV was on and it was a photo of Miss Random with a picture of me next to her.

It said: immortal Afire Mother Dead?!

Mina said, "Y/n, I am so sorry for your loss."

I rolled my eyes and I said, "I think its a bit suspicious...she MIGHT be dead."

Todoroki came up and said, "You're in denial."

"No, im not! I just think she's going to pop up outta no where and be like, 'OH! IM BACKKkkk~' and we gon sit there looking stupid."

Iida said, "Well, im sure the pro heroes will be there if we need them."

Izuku said, "Yeah, and we can handle ourselves perfectly!"

I smiled and said, "Yeah...I guess your right. Anybody wanna celebrate with me?"

Momo said, "Y/n!"

"What? She was a bitch anyways. I can shop and shit. I wanna have a good time."

Sero said, "Well, I definitely wanna go!"

Mina jumped up, "Same!"

I heard invisible girl say, "I wanna go too!"

Iida said, "We must not disrespect the dead with a shopping spree."

I said, "Iida, come on. It'll be funn. You can get some new glasses or sum."

He thought about it and said, "Although my prescription is perfectly fine, I might need new glasses for a special occasion..." he mumbled to himself for a few seconds but then agreed.

Kirishima came downstairs in a hoodie and shorts. I walked up to him and said, "You wanna go to the mall with us?"

He scratched his neck and said, "Oh, uh...sure. Right now?"

I said, "If you want to, you seem kinda tired. We don't have-"

He said, "Its fine, ima go get dressed."

~A few minutes later~

(BTW the people that are going are Deku's group, Bakugo's, the girls, Aoyama, Ojiro, and Shoji.)

We all met downstairs and Iida offered that we walk for "exercise" but we just took the school bus with Aizawa's permission.

We arrived at the mall and immediately I heard Momo say, "Kiri, we will be taking Y/n from you with the power of the student council."

Kirishima was taken back for a minute but started laughing. He said, "She's all yours."

I waved bye and we started to go shopping. We were trying on clothes and acting like super models.

Jirou started laughing and said, "I remember when we snuck out last time and bought clothes!"

I said, "This time we should go for like a classy-red-carpet vibe this time!"

Mina said, "YESSSS! LETS DO IT!"

We had went in and bought some fancy dresses. We literally looked like fancy bitches about to take somebody's man. We saved the outfits in case we wanted to crash a party or sum. Mina said her name would be, "Miss PinkFace." Momo said something like: Madamé. Jirou picked something like Roxy and Invisible girl said she wouldn't have to do anything cause people wouldn't see her.

Kirishima x Black reader *Ok, Red Riot*Where stories live. Discover now