❀ Chapter 31 : Dendrobium Orchid ❀

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"Whoa, is that a limo?" Daisuke asked incredulously, the motorcycle coming to a slow as they neared Sumire's house. 

Sumire had taken up Smoky to get his vaccines and left him in the vet overnight, Daisuke graciously offering her a ride back, since it was getting pretty late. 

"Heh...I guess so. It's probably someone from school," Sumire laughed nervously, recognizing the limo, "Well I shouldn't keep you, stay safe on the ride back Daisuke, thanks for taking me home."

"Anytime Sumire, I'm one call away," Daisuke winked before revving the engine and whooshing away. 

Steeling herself for the confrontation Sumire walked over to her doorstep to find Kyoya standing there like a statue, watching her come over. 

"Who was that?" was the first words that came out of Kyoya's mouth, eliciting a raised eyebrow from Sumire.

"Daisuke, the one that called the other day. Why are you here?"

"You seem quite familiar with each other, what is his relation to you?"

"We're friends Kyo- Ootori-senpai, and move I want to get in."

Kyoya blocked the door staring at Sumire's eyes, "I just want to talk."

Sumire went around Kyoya with a huff turning the key on the doorlock, "I have nothing to say to you."

A hand pushed the door back closed, Kyoya, dangerously close behind Sumire, "Then I'll talk, let me at least apologize for the hurt I have caused."

His breath just hit Sumire's ear, the close proximity making lightning sparks between them. 


It took everything in Sumire to not start fessing up that she wasn't really that mad about the whole thing. She and Kyoya sat in silence across from each other in Sumire's living room, staring at each other waiting for the other to break the silence. 

"I would like to start by apologizing about selling your bracelet," Kyoya finally spoke, albeit a bit stiffly, his hands that normally scribbled as he communicated with others now just in his lap motionless. 

Sumire said nothing, waiting for him to continue. "The decision was entirely of my own volition, the rest of the club had no idea regarding the matter, aside from the twins who came forth with Haruhi's pencil," Kyoya cleared his throat before continuing, "If anything, they should not have to bear your anger, it was my fault and I would like to take responsibility for my thoughtless actions."

A hint of a smile was showing on Sumire's lips when she countered it with a small cough, "It's fine. It's all over and done with anyways, no use holding a grudge over it."

Kyoya let out a small sigh of relief, pushing up his glasses, "I would also like to talk about your consideration of transferring to Lobelia."

"Oh I wasn-" Sumire cut herself off, raising an eyebrow, "What about it?"

"You are a valuable member of the host club, your work is efficient, and you have great sense of responsibility, in both professional and interpersonal matters. If you find it in your heart to come by tomorrow in the music room we, the host club have prepared an apology, to both you and Haruhi. However, if you have made up your mind about transferring to Lobelia, I would do my best to support you and your decision to do so."

Sumire raised an eyebrow, it was such a Kyoya thing of him to say it like that. "I'm still not quite sure, what do you think of Lobelia?"

"Lobelia has a good academic history, the facilities are up to par against Ouran, with your standing it would be quite easy for you to get in, you would fit in quite well considering your...biological gender," Kyoya answered smoothly, shifting in his seat. He was sitting still for the whole time, his posture completely straight.

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