✿ Chapter 43 : Phoenix ✿

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"ya, Kyoya, wake up," Tamaki shook Kyoya's shoulder gently keeping his voice as quiet as possible. 

The room was filled with flowers and sweets in courtesy of Honey, the entire host club snoozing as soft beeps rang consistently in the background. 

Kyoya's eye fluttered tiredly, raising his eyebrows to ask why he was being woken up. Pointing to the side Tamaki  mumbled a small nudge before plopping back into his own chair tiredly. 

With one look Kyoya woke up as he was met by the sight of Sumire's grandmother looking somewhat relieved to his surprise. 

"Gran- Ms. Shiraishi"

"Settle down boy, have you eaten? You look pale," Sumire's grandmother walked further into the dimly lit hospital room, taking a long look at her grandchild before taking a spare seat beside Kyoya's and uncovering the basket she was carrying, "Here, have some bread."

Accepting it seeing that he had no choice he nibbled on the sweetened pastry while absentmindedly staring at Sumire's sleeping form.

After a while Sumire's grandmother cleared her throat diverting his attention back towards the old lady, "Is my granddaughter going to be okay?"

Kyoya's stomach threatened to lurch; he had delivered bad news before to families who were at the hospital, "experience" as his father called it. But never quite like this, and never so close to home. 

But he has to, because he's Kyoya goddamn Ootori. The cool one, and in times where everything is in chaos, there has to be the one that keeps everything together. That's his role and he'll play it as long as he needs to.

They had spoken on the phone earlier but it was way before any sufficient results came out, all that Kyoya had relayed was that Sumire was in an accident and that all the fees will be vouched for by the hospital. 

But he had seen the results. He had read it a dozen times as a sinking feeling settled into him, cold hands seemed to wrench his body into a stupor he had never felt before. 

He had yelled at the head doctor to do something about it and but he knew that they tried their best, and they did everything in order. It was the very first time that the hosts had seen Kyoya genuinely distressed. They made a point to not mention it, but they all saw something that they don't see often. 

An unspoken feeling that loomed over them like a gray cloud that didn't seem to rain, but never left as well.

Sumire wasn't okay. 

"She is in a coma. Her injuries were worse than initially surmised, her body had taken quite a hit and needs a bit of time to heal," swallowing a lump forming in his throat he continued, "We do not know the extent of it's effects until she wakes up. But for now she is stable and has the best care in the country."

Amira nodded looking torn. Taking in a shaky breath she sighed, "It's my fault, I sent her on an errand, it's why she was out on her bike."

"It's not your fault," Kyoya said more harshly than he intended, softening his voice he laid a hand on Amira's arm, "It was an unfortunate accident, we'll catch whoever did this to Sumire. I promise."

Also can y'all figure out where this is going? Bit cliche but damn I do love a accident plotline

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