✿ Chapter 38 : Lilac ✿

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"You sure you're okay?" Sumire spun Haruhi  around checking for any injuries from earlier.

"Kaoru pushed me away just in time, I'm alright," Haruhi groaned grabbing Sumire's hands eye's sparkling, "So the bet, you won right?"

Plopping down on her bed Sumire floated on the high of her victory, "Oh, yep, who knew"

The hosts had left for the day, the twins retreating to their prize room, all was calm and well into the night.

Haruhi settled down beside her, "Have you thought of what you want from him? You like him don't you? Go ask for a date."

"Haruhi that's embarrassing no way."

"Why? I'm pretty sure he likes you too, he can't refuse remember?"

Sumire buried her head in her hands face pink, "Well I don't want to demand a date it feels like I'm forcing him to."

Snorting a laugh Haruhi smirked, "So you'd like him to ask you out then?"

"I said no such thing!"

"You also didn't deny that he might like you too."

"Well were not dating."


The night sky twinkled with stars as Sumire sat in her balcony passing the time with a mug of hot chocolate and her phone gallery.

She had been taking pictures a lot more and was separating the photos into folders. A smile entered her face as she browsed the numerous photos she had stolen of Kyoya when he wasn't looking, although there are a few where she got caught. 

A small lightbulb went off her head and she clapped her hands together. She had an idea of what to do for her first demand.

Bickering voices drew closer as the twins popped out of their rooms and entered the common area, where Tamaki and Sumire was lounging, Haruhi behind the counter chatting idle conversation

Sitting down at the counter Hikaru stretched turning to Haruhi, ""Get us some breakfast please, I'll have two pieces of baguette toast with clarified butter and garnet seal syrup."

Kaoru yawned rubbing his back,  "I'll take poached eggs with bacon and a bowl of whole grained cereal, the kind with those little pieces of dried fruit in it."

"Hold on we don't even have those, stuff on the menu" Haruhi replied irked.

Tamaki launched himself at the twins hitting them both in the head, "Hey! Just who in the world do you think you are? Acting like some privileged members of aristocracy on a holiday!"

"We are aristocracy," Hikaru mumbled confused, Kaoru nodding, "So are you boss."

"You are missing the whole point of travel." a plate appearing in Tamaki's hand, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do, that's what I say. Just look at this. Karuizawa cuisine fit for a king~ Cold pasteurized Jersey steaks, fresh juice, highland vegetables, smoked salmon cooked over cherry wood; the local pride I might add, and last but not least freshly baked breads with homemade jam~ Bon appetit~"

"Since when-"

"Have you been a connoisseur?

Haruhi wiped the countertop with a rag, "Since he's been learning from Misuzu-chi, he's been learning in the kitchen all morning long."

"Indeed! While you two were wasting the day sleeping in I wrote a handbook!" Tamaki gleefully floated over to Haruhi reading from it, "While you are acting as my apprentice you may not treat me as your Senpai. That is the first rule I have written."

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