Chapter 15: Shopping and Breakfast

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That was my first time writing a lemon. Was it good? Should I write one for Cassie and Sting?

This is going to be in Cassie's POV.

Last chapter, after getting all the messages about y'alls nosebleeds, people said that Cassie should still be with Natsu but that isn't going to be how it is.

I appreciate all the people who said Natsu and Gray but Sting won in the end.

Someone even came up with a ship name, Stassie and Cing (it is pronounced king)

I thought that was cute :D

That is also Cassie's dress that she is going to buy! Do you guys like it?



Chapter 15: Shopping and Breakfast

"Guys! Wait for me!" I called at Lucy, Erza, Levy, Lisanna, Juvia, Mira, Wendy, Natsu, Happy, Gray, Elfman, Master Makarov and Mavis, Gajeel and Evergreen. It seems like everyone was here.

"Hurry up Cassidy! We don't have all day!" Levy waved at me and the group stopped. I quickly caught, breathing hard from running.

"Alright," I calmed my breathing and smiled at everyone. "Let's go shopping!"


"I like this." Lucy twirled around in the dress. "What do you guys think?" It was a pretty pink summer dress that accented her already large breasts and her hips.

"Its gorgeous!" I gently touched the soft material. It slid right through my fingers, making a soft sliding sound.

"It looks good Lu-chan!" Levy came up and looked at the dress just like I did.

"You look beautiful Lucy!" Wendy smiled brightly at Lucy.

"I like it Lucy." Erza stepped out in a skimpy wolf suit. I merely rolled my eyes while Levy's mouth dropped. Erza didn't have much modesty like everyone else. Erza turned around to check out the tail. She lightly played with the ears before showing a satisfied smile.

"I think I'll get it! It'll be perfect on a date." Lucy looked in the mirror before she began blushing.

"A date with Natsu perhaps?" I nudged her side. Her and Natsu have been getting really close during the Games, closer than before. It's even making Lisanna get jealous and try to butt in.

"N-No it's not like that!" She waved her hands in front of her body before just sighing in defeat. "Yes... it's a date with Natsu." I jumped up and down with excitement.

Although Natsu and I make look like a couple, we've always been really close friends and nothing more. Sure we've cuddled at night when I get cold, we share a house, we've had some really close moments and we were inseparable as kids but there is nothing but friendship between us. Both of us have agreed on it.

"Can I help you get ready?!" I grabbed both of her hands and put on my best puppy dog face.

"Y-Yeah s-sure." She looked away from my eyes.

"Let her change so we can buy it." Erza put a hand on my shoulder and Lucy went back into the room. When she came out, we all decided on what we were getting.

Erza was getting the wolf suit and a black evening gown. Levy bought a new headband and a new orange dress. Lucy had her dress along with a new pair of shoes. I was getting a white summer dress, a new necklace and a new pair of shoes. I was also getting a new pair of shorts.

We left the shop, Belle's Boutique, and headed for the restaurant across the street. All the guys went there for food since they didn't eat breakfast. Mira, Lisanna, Makarov, Mavis, Elfman and Evergreen all split off from the group at the last store. They just said they wanted to visit the garden.

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