Chapter 20: Finale Part 1

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This is it ladies and gentlemen... if guys even read these.

This is Part 1 of 2 of the final chapter. Sadly, I don't know if I will make another fan fiction after this one. I might but I don't think I will.

Both of these finales will be short.

Thank you for reading this because you have no idea just how much it means to me. I know I'm not a great author and I know there are a lot of errors but you guys really made the few months writing this story pretty amazing.

Most of you are ghost readers but honestly, I could care less.

I know most of you probably won't read this but it doesn't matter.

In my mind, you guys are my nakama, my Team Natsu and my guild mates cheering me on with just your reads and the few votes I have. I just want to give you my utmost thanks because this means a lot to me!

I want to thank @ChelseaWren for giving me the 12 votes back to back and blowing up my phone in the middle of the day but it was a nice surprise. You made me smile!

I also want to thank @NekoKitties for the being the first person to tell me they love the story. That was also a lovely surprise!

I hope you enjoy the last chapters


Chapter 20 Part 1: Finale

Terra Dreyar

"Goddammit." I muttered under my breath as I chased Hikaru, my son, around the house. Laxus took Hiro out on a job yesterday and Hiroyuki was over at the Dragoneel's hanging out with Natsumi, leaving me with our two year old terror. Granted I love the little Blondie to death but today he is just running a muck.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" He screamed with joy as I swooped him up in my arms. "Ah mommy!" I blew on his bare tummy, making funny sounds. "Mommy no! Stop it mommy!" He laughed out loud and it was music to my ears. Who am I kidding, I can call him a terror or a monster but he will always be my little terror. My little monster. My little dragon. My little boy.

Already, Hikaru has his father's hair and personality. The only thing he gained from me would be his eyes while everything else is from his father. He's pretty big for his age and surprisingly, gained Laxus's magic. Hiro is the opposite. He has my hair, my magic and Laxus's eyes. Hiroyuki is a little mix of us. She has strawberry blonde hair with one blue eye and one yellow eye. All three of the kids have their father's smirk and find it funny to pull pranks on me.

Until they don't get dinner or I make Laxus cook.

And Laxus can't cook to save his life. He burns water when he tries to boil it.

There was a knock on my door and I looked to see Juvia and Gray, their little daughter Ur was in Gray's arms smiling like a little fool. An adorable little fool. Juvia wanted to take Hikaru on a play date today since Ur couldn't do it last week because the little girl was sick. Hikaru beat me to the door. He gave me multiple kisses on the cheek before dashing out the door, his dragon pillow/backpack strapped to his back.

"Have fun sweetie." I kissed him one last time on his forehead. He gave me a bright smile, happiness is practically radiating off of him.

"I will mommy! Don't worry!" He gave me a sloppy and wet kiss on the cheek before jumping up into Gray's arms. Juvia took Ur from him since Hikaru always likes to be carried. Gray placed him on his shoulders as they left for the park. Hikaru turned around and waved goodbye to me until they turned around the road and were out of my sight.

With the house quiet, I could finally relax. A hot bath would be nice, or maybe I should just sit down and watch Supernatural. Lucy got me hooked on that show and I just can't seem to stop watching it. Sam, Dean and Castiel are probably some of the best looking men I've ever seen, even though I'm completely biased on who the hottest man alive is. I've never really shipped people on a show before but Destiel all the way.

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