Chapter 9: The Grand Magic Games

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Hello! I'm skipping a few days so I can get to the GMGs.

I'm just putting random names into a hat and drawing them for all the fights. If you have any challenges you want to add, message me and I'll throw them in for the Games.

I'm might also skip the preliminary round this time. There will be 8 teams and I'm bringing in some new characters and guilds.



Chapter 9: The Grand Magic Games!


"This is the arena!" I twirled around in a circle. It was amazing! Terra slowly walked in, enjoying everything at her own pace. Laxus and Master sneaked us in. We weren't supposed to be in here until tomorrow when the teams are introduced.

"It's so big!" Terrwyn then copied me and twirled around in a circle. Mavis floated over to us and twirled around with us. It was amazing that the First Master decided to accompany us to the Games and cheer us on. It's also cool that only we can see her.

"Isn't it!" She giggled and we spun around in a circle together. We started jumping around and doing ballerina twirls. Terrwyn soon joined in with us and we involved the boys. Laxus was extremely adamant about joining but after Terrwyn batted her eyes lashes and sweetly asked him, he caved in but very unenthusiastic.

"Don't be such a party pooper!" Terra lightly hit his arm with a smile. Laxus rolled his eyes.

"Sorry, dancing around like a child isn't exactly what I want to be doing at midnight." She pouted.

"You can go home then. We aren't stopping you." Laxus stood there, shocked for a moment, and then waved his hands around trying to figure out what to do. Terra was looking down at the ground with a completely disappointing pout and what looked like fake tears in her eyes.

"T-Terra I didn't mean it like that." Laxus stuttered.

"What did you mean then?"

"I-I mean that w-we should be sleeping, not together of course that would just be too weird, but we should be sleeping for the Games tomorrow so we aren't tired and we won't suck, not that we do suck but-" Terra put a finger to Laxus's lips. I saw Makarov snicker beside me. I winked at him since we both knew Terra did that on purpose.

"Shut up. I was teasing you Spark Plug." He sighed in relief. "Let's go home." She hooked her arm in his before waving goodbye to us. The two left, both with happy smiles on their faces. We watched them until they completely left the arena.

"I'm still waiting on Laxus to just man up and tell her." I looked at Master and Mavis.

"You and me both, child." Master agreed.

"Tell her what?" Mavis floated around Master and I.

"My grandson has been in love with that woman for as long as I can remember. They were inseparable as children and as they grew up, the whole guild could see the love they shared with each other. They both seem too blind to see the others though." Master stared at the place Laxus and Nora once occupied.

"Over the years we were gone, the first three were spent staring out the window wondering if Laxus was going to come break her out. She looked so hopeless and weak. I remember the first time I ever saw her cry and it caused me to cry myself. As the years went by, she slowly and steadily became stronger, vowing to see our family once again." I smiled happily at Mavis.

"Oh, I see." She looked at the arena exit. "I can feel the fondness between them." She paused and Master and I soaked in what she told us. "I'm proud of their accomplishments. They are fine wizards."

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