Chapter 17: Draining

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Ya'll ready to get to the plot? I realized just how slow we were going when I reached the 15th Chapter.

I hope you enjoy this one, it took me a while to make!

I'm sorry I took so long but I've been really busy with sports and catching up on the manga.



Chapter 17: Draining!

Kimono Man

"My Lord." The servant bowed. "The retrieval was a success."

"Excellent." The Lord stood up and made his way into the arena. The servant waited until he passed before flashing the man an evil glare. "Let's go." The servant nodded and stood up. The walk was short to the middle of the arena where the machine was set up.

"My Lord." Blue Ring bowed as the richly garbed man stepped into the arena.

"Astaroth. It's always a pleasure to see you." He grabbed her gently on the chin and tilted her head up. Astaroth gave him an emotionless stare and the Lord sighed in defeat.

"The spell is ready. The dragons are slowly being drained as we speak. The final chains are ready to be attached." Astaroth then turned and walked away. Her real name is actually Chasity but the Lord changed it since he doesn't want a wizard named after one of the Seven Heavenly Virtues. Chasity made her way to the younger of the two dragons. Cassidy and Terrwyn were bound in chains to a magic circle. Pink Rose, also known as Weiss, was furiously typing away the last of the spell.

"Astaroth. Attach the last chain on the Elemental. We need to break the seal on her magic." Weiss handed Chasity the last of chain. The coldness of the metal reminded Chasity of the coldness of her guild. While watching Fairy Tail in the Games and even as they fought against the dragons that fateful day, Chasity realized that she lacks something. Something so important in life. Chasity never had friends or even a home to call her own. Her only person she ever had is her brother Daniel, also known as Bael or Red Flame.

"Understood." Chasity walked over to Cassidy, who happened to be just now waking up. "Gomen."

"N-Nani?" Cassidy whispered out and she could barely raise her head to look at Chasity.

"You are going to feel excruciating pain unless you can tell me where the seal on your magic is located."

"S-Seal?" Cassidy's head dropped and she could barely speak.

"The seal placed on your Elemental Dragon Slayer magic. Where is it?" Chasity slowly tied the chain around Cassidy's neck. Chasity moved the necklace sitting there and that's when she realized it. Terrwyn is wearing a matching one. Chasity ripped it off and Terrwyn screamed in pain. Her body started glowing a faint white before Cassidy suddenly started screaming.

"W-What?" Chasity looked over to see Weiss wrapping the final chain on Terrwyn. Weiss must have noticed the same necklace because he too ripped one off of Terra's neck. Cassidy suddenly began to scream before it turned into a feral roar. Cassidy's body let out a giant burst of black shadows and it blew everyone back.

"Turn it on now!" Weiss screamed. Chasity grabbed a hold of one of the chains wrapped around Cassidy's body to keep from being blown away. Terrwyn started screaming as well and lightning started flying everywhere. Beams of hot gold light started bursting from Terra's body. Whips of boiling hot water started wrapping around Cassidy. Fire enveloped said girl's body while the rock underneath her started cracking and pieces began floating up and around her.

"Bael!" He reached over and hit something on the pedestal containing the spell as hard as he could. Blue sparks shot down the chains and everything seemed to freeze. Cassidy and Terra stopped screaming and their magic began to get sucked up into the chains. Everything slowly tumbled to the ground. Cassidy and Terra's bodies both slumped against the chains.

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