Chapter 1: Lost Members

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That is Terrwyn (Terra)!



Chapter 1: Lost Members


How could someone be so cruel?

That's my question every time I come to the guild hall. The guild known as Light Slayers, a dark guild. Completely unoriginal, I know. It was named by the cruelest mage in our entire guild, Master Jaaku Akuma. He was known throughout the black market as "Devil Incarnate". He's that bad. Although it will never be my guild. I used to belong to the guild Fairy Tail back when I was younger with my sister.

Now you probably wonder why I don't just leave if it's so bad. It's simple really. I have to be in the guild. If I don't, people die. Jaaku captured my village in order to have me in his guild. My magic is special. I know Water/Ice Dragon Slayer magic which hasn't been master in hundreds of years. With the right training and experiencing unbearable pain, you can be changed into an Elemental Dragon Slayer, like I was.

Terrwyn, or Terra, is my sister and cell companion from Fairy Tail. She is a Sun Angel Slayer. She's really strong and is also a Lighting Warrior. They can control lightning and she can absorb any lighting based attacks. If she gains enough power she can use white lighting, which is strong enough to protect gods because that is what a Lighting Warrior is. They protect the gods. With Sun Angel Slayer magic, when she goes into Angel Force, the air around her gets hotter and harder for the opponent to breath and her whole body changes.

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. Why was I thinking this now? Oh, that's right. Jaaku just brought in another unsuspecting villager. Jaaku's magic relied on his soul. He drains the life energy of villagers he captures. It is easier than before, since we have completely taken this village over. I closed my eyes and a few tears slipped out as I heard the man scream. The draining process is extremely painful.

The last scream came, followed by my last sob. I could feel the emotions around me. Empathetic powers was something I had before I realized I had powers. Our mother had them throughout her life. I don't remember much of my real parents but Terra can't talk about them for long before she chokes up. They abandoned Terra and I in the forest outside of the village we were born in. I gained our mother's empathy while Terrwyn gained our father's acute magic sensing. She can tell a wizard's strength, location, type of magic and how many there are if she focuses.

"Little witch... where are you?" Jaaku sang out as he stalked the halls for me. I could feel the evil roll off of him in waves. I shuddered and backed into the corner of my cell. Jaaku's footsteps sounded throughout the halls. I heard his laugh as he stopped in front of my cell. He squatted down and looked through the bars. I knew he could see me. My Fairy Tail guild mark glowed as my magic felt his push at my body.

"What do you think you're doing, ritoru majo (little witch)?" He hissed at me. I kept quiet and stared at him. He tilted his head to the side, his yellow cat-like eyes wide with curiosity. "Are you going to talk at all, ritoru majo?" He waited and waited for me to speak. He has never heard me talk. I don't talk to anyone in this guild except for Terra and what used to be Georgia, the girl in our cell when we arrived.

The cell door opens and Terrwyn is thrown in. Her dark red hair was matted and just a mess. Her pants were unbuttoned and her shirt barely on. So she did it again. Some of our guards are complete pervs. I've never been touched. Terra won't allow them to touch me at all. It must be a sisterly thing but whatever it is, I will never be able to pay back my debt to her.

He stood up and walked out of the dungeon. The weight of his magic now gone. I sighed in relief. His magic may not be as strong as mine, but the evil feel of it was suffocating. I heard him whisper to the guards outside the dungeon. They stopped when a loud crash vibrated the whole guild hall. There were shouts before it was quite. A few spells went off and I heard Jaaku yell in anger. Terrwyn moved her body to lean against the wall by me

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