Chapter 6: Matchmaker

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Hello! Welcome to Chapter 6 my lovely wizards!

I hope you like this chapter too. I want to start introducing some of the couples into this book. I've wanted to do it earlier but I didn't know when so I am making just a matchmaking chapter!

Terrwyn can be with two people after this chapter. Laxus and maybe someone else. I haven't decided. It's all up to you lovelies. You can pick someone for her to be with if you like.

Cassidy can be with two people as well. Natsu and soon to be Sting. Again, all up to you. If more votes have her matched with Gray then it will be Gray. Just like that!

Inbox them to me because I can't read comments at all. Even on other people's books.

I swear Wattpad doesn't like me very much but I finally got my laptop working so I won't be on my phone anymore so it could just be my phone.

Enjoy my Mira chapter and soon to be more chapters!


Chapter 6: Matchmaker!

"Laxus and Terra huh?" Lucy rested her chin on her hand as she smiled. This was news to her. She knew that the two had been good friends back in the day. They picked on each other just like Natsu and Gray do but it always ended with a smile.

"Yup." Mira refilled her glass. "I think the first time anyone realized it was when it was raining really hard and Laxus wouldn't let her go home because she lived so far away. I think it was a year after Natsu joined when we all realized it."

"Oh? What happened?" Since this weekend was a day off from training, Lucy had came back to the guild with Cassie, Natsu, Gray, Erza and Wendy. Lucy and Wendy, since they didn't know the two missing guild members before, were asking Mira what she knew about them. Terrwyn was training with Laxus and the Thunder Legion somewhere but they arrived here not long after Lucy and the crew.

"Terra loves lightning. Absolutely loves it. She's terrified of the thunder. When she was little, before she joined. She lost her Dragon during thunder storm. She then watched her fox spirit, which is like an exceed, killed by a woman in a thunderstorm as well. She can deal with it when she is inside but if she has to go outside, she gets a panic attack and can't move."

"Laxus wouldn't let her go home then because of the rain?" Wendy thought it was adorable while Lucy dreamily smiled.

"That's so sweet." Wendy looked over and smiled at Laxus and Terra. They saw her and Terra returned the smile but Laxus didn't. Terra saw that and used her hands to make Laxus smiled, causing Wendy, Mira and Lucy to laugh.

"That's not even the cute part. You could hear the thunder through our guild roof in one certain spot. That was the spot you could always find those two together. It was a really bad storm that year too, blowing away trees, benches and anything that was light enough. Terra lived far away and she was already panicking every time the thunder boomed. Laxus came over and wrapped her in his arms and put his headphones on over her ears, playing her favorite songs that he has on his Sound Pod."

"Aww~" Lucy could just imagine it.

"The best part is the look on his face as she fell asleep on his chest." The two women and young girl began to sigh dreamily as they imagined the cocky and arrogant Laxus holding the sweet yet sassy Terrwyn . "It was a look of pure love. I don't think I'll ever forget it."

"Mira. We need to get them together! Now!" Lucy stood up and looked at the white haired girl. The gears began spinning in their head.

"How?" Mira handed her tray to Kinana, quite guilty in fact, before sitting across from Lucy.

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