Chapter 20: Finale Part 2

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This is it. This is the final chapter.

I hope you all enjoyed this book and will recommend it to some other Fairy Tail lovers.

Would you guys like me to make a XReader book? It all depends on you guys because it won't be me reading it.

I'm also creating a werewolf book and post-apocalyptic book and should have them up and published soon.

Once again, thank you all for reading this book. I think I have about 300 reads now and a few votes. You have no idea how amazing it is that you actually read this and that some of you like this book.

I'll miss writing for this book but it's over now.

Enjoy the last chapter my little fairies!


"This is the life." I glanced over to see Lector sun bathing on the edge of the pool. Today, since it was so hot, Sting decided to have a pool party for the guild. The thermometer beside me had went up in the last few minutes. It was 92 and now it was 100.

I took a sip of my ice cold beer. "Take it down to 90 degrees and it would be better." Lector just 'hmm'ed at me and took a drink of his soda. I looked over to see Rogue and Rosie playing with Frosch. Chasity changed her name to Rosie when she entered Sabertooth so that the Magic Council didn't know she was part of the Abaddon incident a few years ago.

It's been a good life. I'm an aunt and a godmother for three different families. Who knew I was so popular? I guess since I get all of the kids at least once a month so the families can get away from them, I guess I deserve the Godmother title. I might as well get some fairy wings, a goofy pastel colored dress and a wand.

Gray and Juvia's little girl Ur is my favorite. I know that Hikaru, Hiro and Hiroyuki are the ones directly related to me but I still favor Ur over them. There is just something about that little Ice Mage-in-training that brings me in and won't let me go. It could be her adorable little laugh or her crazy dark blue hair or maybe those beautiful blue eyes that just bring you in and won't let you go. Either way, I still favor her.

I'm waiting on Nalu, Gale, Jerza and Ruferva to have kids. I don't know how Rufus and Minerva's kid is going to look but I'm willing to bet that he or she is going to have majestically beautiful blonde hair and he/she's going to be a genius. If it's a boy, he is going to be either a lady killer or a cocky ass hole. If it's a girl, she's going to be a blonde bombshell with a sharp tongue.

I meet Orga's girlfriend, Samantha Oasis from Fairy Tail, and boy is she a sweet heart. She's got the full package. The big boobs, nice ass, lovely long brown hair, bright white smile and extremely smart package. The only thing, that I think makes her that more amazing, is she's deaf. The plus to that is she makes Orga sing to her instead of to us. She's made it something special so she spares us. I like her.

Yukino's boyfriend is more... interesting. He's a lot like Natsu. His name is Duncan Young and he's also from Fairy Tail as well. Both mages joined not long after the GMGs that Terra and I competed in. The first time I met Duncan, Samantha was changing in my apartment. The boys had thrown us into the pool and I let her come to my house to wear my clothes. Not knowing that, Duncan kicked down my living room door and my bedroom door while we both were changing. I think Sting and Orga might have given him brain damaged from how hard they hit him on the head. He's a metal dragon slayer with an Exceed named Cat (pronounced C A T, see-a-tea) because well... she's a cat.

There was a loud splash in front of me and a wave of water crashed down on Lector and I. There was loud and obnoxious laugh that I knew belonged to my mate. "STING!" Lector and I both cried at the blond who was gripping the pool wall in order not to drown. I tried to stay made but his smile just melted it all away. Damn dragon instincts. His mate mark was displayed proudly over his heart. The silver dragon was reared up and wrapped around white thorns.

"I'm not sorry." He fake wiped away tears. "It was just too easy." Getting up from my chair, I dumped my sunglasses, flip flops, and wrap before jumping onto Sting. He wasn't expecting it and we went crashing down into the water. The cold shocked me but it felt so much better than the beating sun.

We both came up to the surface spitting out water. "You're an idiot." Sting just smirked and wrapped his arms around me, bringing me into a rough kiss. "But you're my idiot."

"I wouldn't want it any other way." He spun me around before letting me go. I flew through the air and hit Rosie. We both went crashing into the water, gripping onto each other for dear life. When we surfaced, Rogue and Sting tried to act like they were doing something else.

"I'm going to kill him." I cracked my knuckles and Rosie just chuckled darkly.

"He's not getting away with this." I winked at her and she smiled. Those boys are in for it.


A few hours later, and a lot of tormenting Rogue and Sting, the whole guild was sitting down for a drink at the local pub. Duncan and Samantha joined us, their Fairy Tail marks gone. Looks like we are getting two more members. I'm glad because I really like Samantha and Duncan get's along really well with Sting. Plus, Cat and Lector seem to get along well. Really well.

The pub owner greeted us warmly. Sting helped him start off his business by recommending wizards to stop and eat when they pass through. Now, we get a first round of food and drinks for free. The pub owner, Dan, always jokes that if we weren't dragon slayers, we would get everything free. I guess since we eat so much the pub would lose money instead of make money.

We were lead to the back of the pub, into the biggest booth of the whole place. Sting and I took the middle, Rogue and Rosie on our right, Rufus and Minerva on our left. Everyone else just filled it. The Exceeds just sat on whatever lap they felt like. Lector usually sat in mine but sometimes he sat on Yukino's. Frosch liked Rosie's but whenever Lector didn't sit on me, Frosch would come take his place. Today was a Frosch Day.

As the cute little cat crawled over onto my lap, Lector maneuvered onto Yukino's. "Oops, Frosch is sorry." The Exceed apologized as he kneed me in the stomach.

"It's alright." I smiled and gently stroked his head.

"Does everyone know what they are getting?" Sting's hand slowly traced circles on my thigh as he addressed everyone. He really was a good master. Not as good as Gramps but one day he will be. It could be the welcoming smile or how he's figured out that everyone has their own strengths, but he's really changed the guild. Just last week, I had a little girl come up and ask for a picture because I was her favorite wizard. That wouldn't have happened last year.

"We added a new menu." The waitress, Sarah, handed us a stack of menus. "It's the new handhelds. We have four new sandwiches, The Philly Cheeseburger, BBQ Madness, The BLT and The Jalapeno Popper. Each one comes with fries and cheesy bread." Sarah smiled before grabbing out a notepad. "Can I get you guys started on drinks?"

"I'll have a Shirley Temple." I raised my hand for her to know it was me. Yukino and Samantha pipped up for one too.

"M'kay. Can I get you guys a round of beer?" Orga immediately jumped on the chance. The waitress finished taking the drinks and flipped to another page. "Is anyone ready to order?"

"Me!" Frosch jumped onto the table and pointed at the kids meal page. "Can Frosch get that?"

"Frosch most certainly can." Sarah smiled as she wrote down his order. We then went around the table, starting with Duncan and ending with Orga. She hastily wrote down everything else before leaving, taking our menus with her. Before she left, a round of drinks appeared.

My guild mates cheered and laughed as they told jokes. Everyone was smiling, drinking, eating and just being plain happy. There was a squeeze on my thigh and I looked over at Sting. He gently placed his forehead on mine and smiled.

"Something on your mind, love?" I asked him and he just chuckled.

"Just appreciating how lucky I am to have the most beautiful girl in the world with the greatest bunch of mages I could ask for." He gently pecked my lips and everyone around us 'eww'ed and Sting just smirked and brought me in for a more passionate one.

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