Chapter 8: Water Ice and Everything Nice

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Welcome to my last Mira chapter everyone. This will be in Terra's POV.

I can't believe I updated a day after! I just got the idea and BAM!

I'm sorry if this is bad. I don't really know how to write the Fairy Tail character without him being a little OOC and this is the first chapter I am doing on my phone.



Chapter 8: Water, Ice And Everything Nice!

"Aah, finally here." I threw my hands out and soaked in the afternoon sun. I finally made it to Hearken after a long and terrible train ride. I happily skipped along the cobble streets, my red ponytail swinging from side to side with every step. Hearken was a town in the middle of Fiore, closer to the beach but far enough that it didn't get the cold air that the beach provided. Instead it got either blistering hot heat or the perfect temperature.

"It's just right!" I happily smiled and got a few weird looks from locals. Being a Sun Dragon Slayer, I'm used to heat and fire doesn't burn me. I made my way to the hotel reservation I called in. The man at the counter was nice and kept looking at my chest. I don't understand. I wasn't showing any cleavage, it was just a red tank top.

"Alright! I better get to the water park." I grabbed my swimsuit and began changing. I fixed my ponytail and stepped out of my room. I met an older cleaning lady. She dropped her basket and I helped her pick it up. I smiled at her and then left the hotel.

It was a lot nicer to be out of my normal clothes. Instead of skinny jeans, tank top and a jacket I was wearing, I changed into my dark blue bikini with a snowflake on the right triangle and white snow lace on the belt of the bottoms that are covered by dark wash short shorts. My flip flops slapped against the ground annoyingly. I don't really like them but I wear them anyway.

"Hello, you must be the Fairy Tail wizard." A short man with purple hair on the top of his head in a bun said. I have been staring at the water park for over ten minutes. It was so huge. I understand why they said you needed a week to ride all the slides.

"Yes. I'm Terrwyn . It is a pleasure to meet you." I smiled at the small man and he gestured me inside.

"I'm Greg Glug. I own this park." He led me up some stairs and into an office. The cold air felt so nice from the outside. "I'm really sorry about this but I accidentally sent the flyer to another guild as well." He handed me a piece of paper. A map of the park.

"Another guild?" I raised and eyebrow and he pointed behind me. There was the one and only Lyon. "Resorting to stalking now?"

"N-No it's nothing like that I swear." He held his hands up defensively. I chuckled at him.

"I'm teasing you." I took the time to admire his only swim trunk clad body. He was nicely built with one hell of an 8-pack that I don't mind staring at all day. Not to mention the fact that he is just nicely muscled everywhere.

"Do you mind if we work together? I can double the pay money." Greg twiddled his thumbs.

"No don't worry about it." I slung my shoulder over Lyon's. "We can work together. Right Lyon." I sent the 'you better agree' look to him and he just enthusiastically shook his head yes.

"Can you get started right away?" Greg looked back at his thumbs.

"Y-Yes that's fine." Lyon took the map and put it in his pocket.

"That's great!" Greg clapped his hands before shooing us out of his office. "Have fun you two!" The door slammed shut. I stood there and blinked for a moment before turning to Lyon. We walked back down the steps and reached the water park once again.

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