Chapter 4: Battles For The GMG

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Probably one of the weirdest things I have ever seen.

Ichiya genderbend.

Just no.



Don't forget to tell me which couples you want!


Chapter 4: Battles For The GMG


"Grand Magic Games?" I leaned on the bar as Macao was filling me in on what happened while Cassie and I were gone.

"It is a tournament filled with games and battles that test the strength of teams from different guilds. In the end, whoever scores the highest throughout the games is deemed the strongest guild in Fiore." Mira said as she passed by to pick up dirty glasses.

"Really?" I sat up straight. These games sounded fun.

"During the seven year gap while everyone was on Tenrou Island, we dropped down to the 'eternally-last' guild." Macao looked down at his newly refilled glass. "We entered the games when everyone came back and claimed the number one spot after a few rough days and some brutal fights but we made it."

"Of course we did!" I smiled at him. "We're Fairy Tail. No matter who we fight, as long as we are fighting for our nakama, nothing can stop us." Macao smiled back.

"Yeah, you're right!"

"Are we entering this year?" I pushed some of my bangs out of my face.

"Of course we are!" Makarov said with an accused face.

"May I be on one of the teams? I want to show all of you how strong I've gotten. Even though it wasn't a great way to get stronger." I turned to the short grandfather.

"Me too!" Cassidy yelled as she ran over to us. She made it halfway before she tripped. She seemed to freeze in mid-air before falling flat on her face.

"I would like to test your skills first, if that is alright." Makarov chuckled before looking between Cassie and I. She nodded her head eagerly.

"Of course!" I smiled at him.

"We have two teams. Team A is Natsu, Erza, Gray, Lucy and Wendy with Elfman as reserve. Team B is Laxus, Gajeel, Mira, Juvia, Cana and Lisanna as reserve." Makarov listed off the teams. "Challenge one of them and win, you can be on the team."

"LUCY I CHALLENGE YOU TO YOUR SPOT ON TEAM A!" Cassidy yelled through the guild hall, pointing her finger at Lucy.

"Alright!" Lucy clenched her fist, determined to win.

"She's going to lose." I whispered to Mira as we walked out to the back yard beach.

"I know." She smiled. "Let's just hope it's not too badly." I nodded in agreement.

"Alright!" Makarov announced as he stood on a sulking Laxus's head. "Lucy and Cassidy will be fighting for a spot on Team A for the Grand Magic Games. You have 30 minutes to deal the most damage or knock each other out." He pointed his finger at the two fighters. "Ready... Begin!"

"Ice Dragon Blast!" Cassie dealt the first attack. She was blasting Lucy with bullet like pieces of ice.

"Open! Gate of the Golden Bull: Taurus!" Lucy summoned a giant perv cow who just kept asking for a kiss. "Open! Gate of the Scorpion: Scorpio!" Another spirit appeared.

"If I win do I get a smooooch?" Taurus shook his speed-o covered butt.

"No! Just get in there and fight her!" Taurus mooed and charged at Cassie. The poor girl started laughing at the bull and that made him even angrier. He swung his ax at her a couple times before Cassie figured out his attack pattern. Scorpio jumped in and he combined his sand with Taurus to create a major attack. I was surprised.

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