Chapter 12: Relax And Enjoy The Fun

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Kon'nichiwa! Thanks for staying this long. I know I'm not a good writer but as long as you are enjoying this story then I'm happy. I'm sorry this took so long but I'm trying to figure out how I want the next few chapters to be. This one is kind of a filler.

If I make a Fairy Tail X Reader book will you guys read it? I'm on the fence about it.

I have the pairings as of last chapter! Thank you all for your input!! You can still tell me but I'm making one of the pairs show up now!

See if you can find out who it is.



Chapter 12: Relax And Enjoy The Fun!


*Not Edited*

"Oh my god I'm so happy!" I stretched my arms and stared at the water. Terra was beside me doing the same. So far, Fairy Tail B is in the lead followed by Sabertooth, Fairy Tail A, Lamia Scale, Mermaid Heel, Light Sabers, and lastly is Blue Pegasus.

"This is a well needed break." Erza came out in a black bikini followed by Lucy in her signature white one. She's right. With that magic flare that felt like Jaaku the other day and the Light Saber trouble, today is a nice break.

"This beach is very relaxing." Lisanna suddenly appeared with Mira and Elfman out of nowhere.

"I don't know whether to be happy that the Game Master caught a cold or to be disappointed to not be able to cheer you guys on." Lucy tapped her chin in thought.

"That is a good contradiction." I slung my arm over her shoulder. "But who cares! Let's enjoy the fun!" I smiled and she soon followed with a nod. "To the beach!" I battle cried and was followed by all of the girls running towards the ocean. We all crashed into the waves, splashing each other with as much water as we could.

"BEACH!" Gray and Natsu shouted as they started running towards the water. We all turned to watch the extremely moronic boys.

"SWIMMING RACE!" They very sloppily and wildly swam into the water. Soon enough, after a tie, they ran back onto the beach. We slowly filed to the beach. I wrung out my hair in hopes of getting most of the water out of it.

"SAND CASTLE BUILDING CONTEST!" Natsu quickly built a sandcastle, his sharp teeth turned into a scary yet funny smile.

"EATING CONTEST!" Both boys shoveled food into their mouth. I face palmed. Erza and I were now suntanning on the beach, Lucy was next to us reading the new Sorcerer Weekly magazine.

"Look! Cassie got a feature!" Lucy opened up the magazine to show a full spread of me. It was the first time I've ever modeled and I was really embarrassed. It was a picture of me in one of the new bikini lines and I was blushing terribly. I was nervously twirling a piece of my hair around my finger and I wasn't even looking at the camera.

"You look so cute." Mira smiled as she saw my photo. I blushed and mumbled a thank you. Lucy turned the page to read the article.

"After many years of a mysterious disappearance Cassidy Ryu, a Water Dragon Slayer from Fiore's strongest guild Fairy Tail, has finally returned!" Lucy said in a dramatic voice. "She was gone without a trace when she was a child. Now she is back and ready for action!"

"SUNTAN CONTEST!" We saw Gray and Natsu laying on towels, already looking like perfectly toasted marshmallows.

"Oh Lord." I bowed my head and Lucy kept reading.

"Even after being gone, it doesn't seem like Cassidy will lose a fight. She's even stronger than her childhood friends, Natsu and Gray! She's no push over boys, you better expect a fight to win her heart." Lucy giggled and showed us a picture of Natsu lying defeated on the ground and me standing over him with an angry look. I looked down right scary. Another with the same theme just with Gray instead.

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