Chapter 11: Cute Little Barrels

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Come one come all to Chapter 11!

I wanted to add a little humor to this so it wasn't just boring...

I don't like fan fics that don't have a little humor so I wanted some in this one!



Chapter 11: Cute Little Barrels


She looks so pale.

I was sitting next to Terra's bed in the infirmary. Chelia and Wendy drew out as much poison as they could but there was still some left in her body. Porlyusica was working on the antidote as we speak.

Will she make it?

I shook my head. Of course she will! She won't die. She has so much life she still hasn't lived. She'll come back. Terra let out a pained breath and I swapped out the wet cloth on her forehead. Her breathing was ragged and her grip on my hand was getting weaker.

Will she really make it?

Porlyusica looked over at me from the desk. I've been sitting in here since the battle and when Lyon brought her in here, 4 hours ago. I won of course, since I was the only one standing. Terra got second and Gaea got last. Right now, Team B was in the lead and after Lamia Scale was us. Natsu ended up battling some dog guy from Lamia Scale. The battle was over and Natsu didn't even break a sweat.

"Go home child." Porlyusica suddenly said. I looked up at her. "Crying and sitting there all helpless won't help her."

"I-I'm crying?" I reached up and touched my cheek. Sure enough, there was a few tear trails present.

"Yes. I understand that she is your sister but do you really think she wants you to see her like this?" I shook my head. Porlyusica got up and made Terrwyn sit up and drink out of a cup. "That is the antidote. She'll wake up tomorrow just fine. It's all thanks to Wendy and Chelia that she is surviving this." Porlyusica looked at me and I saw the ghost of a smile. "Go enjoy the rest of the night." I nodded and left the room.

I started running towards my guild. Terra would be fine! I knew it! I shouldn't have doubted that she wouldn't! I jumped up happily shouting. Happy tears streamed out of my eyes as I ran even harder to the bar where our guild would be. It was dead quite when I slammed open the doors. Everyone turned to look at me, sad looks on their faces.

"She's going to be alright!" I cried and everyone went from debby-downers to jumping up and shouting with glee. Natsu came running over and swooped me up into a hug.

"I told you she would be fine!" I buried my face in his neck and hugged him tighter.

"For once, maybe I should have listened to you flame brain." I laughed as he playfully pushed me away.

"Who you calling flame brain, toilet water?" We pressed our foreheads together, his hand on fire while mine was filled with water.

"You wanna go, match head?"

"Bring it on, sewer brain." Natsu and I began dissing out insults left and right, soon followed by punches. I hit Natsu and he went flying into Gray.

"Watch where you're going, ash breath!"

"Don't be in my way, Ice Princess." They started yelling at each other which soon turned to our whole guild yelling at each other. We began fighting, throwing tables and chairs and a wild Mira here and there. I was thrown into a wall by Elfman and I slowly glared at him.

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