Chapter 14: Have I Ever Told You

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Alright drumroll please *insert cool snare sound* the couples for this story are:

Terra and Laxus and....

Cassie and Sting!



 I'll mark the spot where the lemon begins and ends so you can skip it if you like.



 Chapter 14: Have I Ever Told You!

 Terra's POV

 Lemon Alert!!

"Wake up!" A pillow was slammed into my head.

"No." I groaned out. "Just let me sleep."

"Wake up. Now!" Cassie swung the pillow again and again. "Wake up!" She began shouting and repeating.

"Cassidy Lynn Ryu." I growled out. I looked one eye at her and she slightly paled.

"Your turn. I'm done. I'll just go with everyone else since someone wants to sleep all day." She threw the pillow at my face and I heard the door click shut.

"Win, just get up." I peaked an eye open to see a shirtless Laxus standing by my bed. His arms crossed over his chest showed off his amazing biceps and his pectorals. I turned my head away to hide my blush.

"I don't wanna." I pouted and pulled the blankets on over my head. The bed squeaked before I heard a grunt.

"Move over so I can join then. Everyone wanted to go sight seeing since we have 3 hours to kill. We're the only ones here now." I lifted the blankets and Laxus slowly climbed in.

"3 hours?" I grumbled back before snuggling into Laxus's chest. "She can go on with. I'm not getting up unless I absolutely have to." Laxus grunted before pulling me closer to his chest. I took a deep breath and sighed. My magic was pulsing through my body, sending nice warm waves through my whole body. It's natural for an Angel's magic to act up or pulse whenever they touch, see or smell their mate. I'm no different.

I could hear the steady beat of his heart and it lulled me to sleep. Laxus began to run his finger through my hair and I closed my eyes. I happily sighed before closing my eyes and falling asleep.


I stared at the beautiful girl in my arms. The years without her were lonely. Granted, I was on the Island for 7 of those years but if she was here, she probably would have talked some sense into me when I made my guild mates fight each other.

I ran my fingers through her hair, gently untangling some knots. I leaned my head down and rested my forehead against hers. Her smell completely overwhelmed me and I let out a low and hopefully quite purr. I would never live it down if she heard me.

It's not like I can help it. When a dragon smells their mate, it's instant reaction. The way she smells is perfect. I don't know how to explain it but she smells like everything I love. It's like one giant smell that can only be summed up to her. Just her.

She mumbled something in her sleep before snuggling into my chest. Her finger lightly ran down my bicep before stopping on my forearm. I brought her closer and left a small kiss on her forehead. I untangled our bodies and got up. I walked to the balcony and stared out the window. How could I tell her that she's my mate? It's not exactly an easy topic to bring up.

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