Chapter 19: Is It Over?

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Hey guys.

This book is almost over. Only a few chapters left.

I can't believe it.

I only started this what... three months ago?

Well, that doesn't matter. I'll be publishing another one after this and maybe a one-shot book.

It'll probably be a Xreader one too.

Enjoy this please because it took me a long time to write this. I just couldn't figure out how to take it from my head to my laptop to you guys!

My next few chapters might take me a while to write but they will be up soon.


Chapter 19: Is It Over?

Third Person POV

"Ice Make: Geyser!" "Water Nebula!" Juvia and Gray shouted as they lashed out the final attack. They were the last people to defeat their enemy. Juvia went to collapse but Gray held her up. She regained her footing and was finally able to stand on her own.

Erza stepped towards the group of wizards, using one of her swords as a crutch. "Is everyone alright?" She looked like hell. They all did and very few of them have any magic left.

"It's time to deal with him." Sting panted out. He was leaning against yet also supporting Natsu. Happy, Carla, Pantherlily, Frosch and Lector were all hiding in the guild box above Terrwyn and Cassidy. Happy had his fists clenched as he stared down at his two guild mates in chains.

The group of wizards started to move towards the man holding their guild mates hostage. If looks could kill the man would have burned up a million times over and that is if you don't count Sting's and Laxus's glares.

Cassidy was struggling against her chains. Her body would slump in defeat before struggling once again. The group of wizards all stood strong behind the man in the rich looking kimono.

"Release our nakama!" Natsu growled out.

"Oh?" The man turned around and looked at the battered, beaten and bruised wizards. "Are you going to stop me?"

"You bet we are!" Sting clenched his jaw as he matched glares with the man.

"How are you going to do that with no magic left?" The wizards didn't reply because right now, they were backed into a corner.

A voice boomed through the arena. "They may not have magic, but that doesn't mean we don't!" Everyone looked up to Master Makarov, Master Bob, Kagura, Bacchus, Jura, Lyon, Chelia and a few others all standing proudly at the top of the arena peering at the people standing in the middle.

"How dare you hurt my children!" Master Makarov jumped down, growing bigger as he fell.

"You should retreat while you still can, Fairy." The kimono man sneered but faced off with the Master.

"Natsu, Laxus." Master slightly glanced at the boys. "Get them out of here." Before Natsu could move, Sting and Laxus shot off to their mates. Sting easily removed Cassidy's chains but Terra's weren't coming off.

"Dammit!" Laxus shouted in anger. He managed to move the chain around her neck an inch but it still wasn't enough to get it off.

"Laxus." Cassidy panted out. The blond man turned to look at the brunette.

"The alter. Remove the yellow topaz and the golden necklace at the same time. Hurry, you don't have much time." Laxus didn't need to be told twice.

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