Chapter 5: S-Class Mission!

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Hey! I might make the chapters in Third Person's POV until the GMGs start, then I will go back to First Person.

Am I the only one who hears Happy announce the Chapter Names? I am? Okay...

Tell me what couples, por favor!


Chapter 5: S-Class Mission!

"My lord." The man bowed in front of the expensive kimono covered man on the throne. "It seems the two dragons have made it back to Fairy Tail. They are entering the Grand Magic Games as well."

"Oh?" Kimono man leaned forward, this interested him. His two little warriors had made it back to their home. "So they have arrived at Fairy Tail. When did they make it home?"

"Two weeks ago, my lord." The man didn't dare look up at his master or else he will be thoroughly punished. "Our spy was delayed on the information by a party held at Fairy Tail."

"Have they met Sabertooth's dragons yet?"

"No, my lord."

"Then we wait until they do." The man left and the kimono man slowly sat back in his chair. "Soon, my lovely dragons. Soon until you will be begging me for your worthless lives." He laughed and smiled at nothing but the darkness surrounding him.

Fairy Tail

"Are we there yet?" Cassidy complained as she and Terrwyn hiked up the trail to the top of the mountain. They were on an S-Class mission, the first Legal mission in years for Terra and Cassie. Makarov protested when they left but after the puppy dog look from two girls that are like his daughters, he let them go.

"Half way. Quit your whining." Terra said as she floated up the trail. She was cheating as she was levitating up the path.

"Ugh. My feet hurt." Cassie whined.

"Now you sound like Lushee." Happy floated around her face. "You won't turn into her will you?" That's right. Erza, Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Happy all had to come. It was one of the Master's conditions for them to go.

"Shut up I do not!" Cassie yelled at Happy and he just covered his mouth and giggled.

"Happy, be nice." Natsu smiled at Cassie and she smiled back. Erza looked at Terra and she wiggled her eyebrows. For Natsu to tell Happy to be nice, only for Cassie, means that he favors her over anyone else.

"Okay." Happy sulkily floated back to Natsu's head and sat down. Erza and Terrwyn huddled together as they walked, levitated for Terra, to plan.

"Could we make them room together?" Erza proposed.

"It won't be that much different. They already share a house." Terra tapped her chin.

"Let's just put her together with Gray for everything and see what happens." Terra rubbed her hands together sort of creepy like as she definitely agreed with Erza's plan.

"This'll be perfect!" Terrwyn squealed excitedly.

"I feel like Mira." Erza stated with a smile. Terra nodded as she shared the same feeling.


"Ah finally!" Cassie ran into the room and jumped onto the lounge couch. Terrwyn winked at Erza and pulled out a piece of paper with the room names on it.

"Alright! Here are the rooms." Everyone turned to her. "Erza is with Lucy, Natsu and Happy with me and Gray you are with Cassie."

"Aw, I'm stuck with Terra." Natsu complained, earning a well deserved punch to the top of the head. He hit the floor in a split second.

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