Chapter 3: Painful Memories

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I'm not sure if people will understand what a Sun Angel Slayer is but it is like a Celestial Dragon Slayer and a Light Dragon Slayer and a little bit of a Fire Dragon Slayer but only for Angels.



Chapter 3: Painful Memories

"L-Laxus." I stuttered out at the grown man before me. Holy crap he grew up. I never expected him to look like this. He went from a kid to a man, quite nicely too.

Laxus is now a very tall and muscular young man with blue/gray eyes. His hair is slicked back, its numerous spiky strands pointing backwards, though some of it falls down on his forehead. One thing that hasn't changed was his goofy headphones sitting around his neck and his scar. His tight black tank top showed off his muscular body and a corner of a tattoo. It stretched all around his shoulder and seemed to go down his chest and back. Even though he got older, he still has his bright blond hair and his stupid smirk.

"I didn't mean what I said all those years ago." His voice was now low and husky. It sent hills up my spine and my face flushed. Goddamn. Can someone please pour some cold water on me?

"I know." I looked away. For some reason, those blue eyes seemed to feel like they were looking into my soul. What am I even thinking?

"What happened that day?" He slowly walked over and sat next to me, now that Mira and Kinana left to go 'clean the rest of the dishes'. I fiddled with the glass in front of me before I sighed.

"You ready for a long story?" His smell waved over to me and I took a greedy breath. He's always smelled so good.

He smiled and got comfy. "Hit me with your best shot.


"Stupid Laxus!" I kicked a rock and it was sent flying to a tree. It shattered the bark and went straight through it. Tears streamed down my face. "Why does he have to be such an asshole?" I screamed to no one in particular. I reread the flyer in my hand. Help wanted. Destroy dark guild in village. 800,000 jewels reward. Cassidy was lagging behind, she knew not to try and reason with me when I was angry.

"I'll show him I don't need his help. I'll come back with the money and shove it in his face. Let's see how he likes it when I complete my first S-Class mission without him" I proudly smirked.

"Don't forget me back here." Cassidy quietly spoke up and I patted her head.

"I won't. I just want to see how far I can do on my own okay?" She nodded and I put my head phones on. I pressed play and upbeat rock music came pouring out of the speakers. I started bobbing my head to the beat, even busting out a few moves here and there.

"She's my cherry pie. Cool drink of water and a sweet surprise." I sang out. All of a sudden, a heavy dark pressure weighed me down. I stumbled and hit the ground. It was almost suffocating me. I turned my music off and slipped my headphones off my ears. Everything around me was dead silent. I turned around to see Cassidy completely gone.

"CASSIE!" I screamed and ran back down the path. Her magic was completely erased. I kicked at the ground, sending rocks flying into a tree. "Dammit. CASSIE!" Still no response. Suddenly a tiny flicker of magic appeared and I whipped my head around.

"So she noticed." A voice whispered. I slowly stood up and turned around to the direction of the voice.

"Who's there?" I called and only got an evil chuckle in response.

"Your death." A dark shadow shot out at me and I barely managed to dodge it. Soon, more beams of black magic began aiming for me. I turned around and began to run. I dodged one that came at my head, then my feet, I skidded out of the way as four came barreling to my side. I fell for it and a beam hit me straight in the back. I screamed and fell forward.

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