Chapter 2: Welcome Home

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That's Cassie.

Again please tell me what Fairy Tail couples you want in this story!



Chapter 2: Welcome Home


I forgot how bad trains are.

Here I was, with Natsu laying on my lap and Happy cuddling with my arm. Natsu was finally asleep. He has been threatening to hurl all over me since we got on the train. Terra made me a necklace with a permanent Troia spell, making me unable to get motion sickness as long as I'm wearing it.

"If Wendy was here she could use her Troia spell on you." Lucy said sympathetically as she stared at Natsu fondly. She had admiration shining in her eyes. Looks like someone is in love.

"Wendy can use a Troia spell?" I curiously cocked my head. She must be a Sky God Slayer or a Sky Dragon Slayer. Terrwyn was sitting next to Gray in the car across from us, her head resting on the window.

"It relieves motion sickness." Erza spoke up.

"I know. Is Wendy a Sky Dragon Slayer?" I really wanted to know. I've heard of the Sky Maiden but I never heard what kind of magic she uses.

"Yes, how did you know?"

"Terra is a Sun Dragon Slayer. Her dragon was good friends with Grandeneey so she was also taught a little bit of Sky magic. I've heard some stories about your guys' adventures when that guild would move from place to place."

"Really?" Lucy leaned in. "What stories have you heard?"

"Well there is Haregon Port," I started ticking them off on my fingers. "Lullaby, Phantom Lord, the Tower of Heaven, Oracion Seis and Nirvana, and Tenrou Island along with the Infinity Clock and the Grand Magic Games with the dragons and Tartarus."

"Wow... so you basically know almost all of it."

"Our master liked to keep tabs on strong guilds." I fiddled with my hands. Natsu snorted and rolled over to bury his face into my hip.

"I see." Erza stared at me for a moment. "Get some rest, I'm sure your tired." I smiled and leaned against the window. She didn't have to tell me twice.

As Cassidy slowly fell asleep, Lucy soon followed her example. Leaving Erza the only one awake. In their sleep, Natsu and Cassie slowly grabbed each other's hands, intertwining their fingers.

"I'm glad your back, Cassie." The red haired wizard said and she watched as the brunette smiled in her sleep.


"Cass, Cass we're here." Terrwyn shook my shoulders. I groaned and sat up. My body lurched and I fell back down.

"Liar." I mumbled out and she laughed. The train completely stopped and I slowly made my way out of the car behind the group. I want to go to sleep.

"Here." Natsu squatted down in front of me. I gave him a grateful smile and climbed on his back.

"Don't think about pulling any moves, flame brain." Gray smirked at him and also warned him at the same time.

"S-Shut up. I'm being nice." Natsu looked away with a blush. "She probably hasn't rode on anything in years."

"He's right. I haven't." I whispered and leaned my head onto Natsu's shoulder. He stiffened before relaxing.


Natsu bent down in front of Cass. She was walking really slowly and looked like she was going to drop dead. She gave him a grateful smile before climbing on. I was going to carry her but he beat me to it.

Welcome Home (Fairy TailxOC)Where stories live. Discover now