Chapter 13: Chicken Wars

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I decided to publish this early since I made you all wait for the last update! Sorry about that *nervous sweat drop and laugh*

I honestly love that picture because Wendy thinks she so scary and then you see Gajeel. I laughed nonstop for a while when I saw it. I hope you guys like it!

What are your guesses on who the couples are? I'm sure one is pretty obvious right?

I'm thinking about doing back and forth chapters like one will be in Terra's POV and then next will be in Cassie's POV.

Will that be simpler or more complicated

This is Terra's POV of Chapter 12



Chapter 13: Chicken Wars!

"Oh my god I'm so happy!" Cassie stretched her arms and stared longingly the ocean. I was standing right next her doing the same.

"This is a well needed break." Erza and Lucy appeared. Erza's legendary bikini was ripped up so she settled for a black one and Lucy is in a white one. After the familiar magic yesterday and the whole Light Saber shebang, today is a nice and well deserved break.

"This beach is very relaxing." Lisanna showed up with Mira and Elfman out of nowhere.

"I don't know whether to be happy that the Game Master caught a cold or to be disappointed to not be able to cheer you guys on." Lucy was really debating this.

"That is a good contradiction." Cassie slung her arm over Lucy's shoulder. "But who cares! Let's enjoy the fun!" She smiled and Lucy followed with a nod. "To the beach!" Cassidy battle cried and we all followed the girl running towards the ocean. We all jumped or dove into the waves, splashing each other with water. We made a game as whoever got hit the most lost. Lisanna lost.

"BEACH!" Natsu and Gray yelled as they ran towards the water. Everyone turned to watch the boys goof around like dorks. Oh dear. I rested my hand on my forehead.

"SWIMMING RACE!" They crashed and then swam in the water.  I started laughing at the boys when they both tied. We slowly left the water to suntan, or in my case poke fun at a sulking Laxus, Master and Mavis. I squeezed my hair in hopes of draining some of the water out of it.

"SAND CASTLE BUILDING CONTEST!" Natsu had funny smile on his face as he raced Gray to build a castle. I laughed loudly at them and they turned.

"You guys are such dorks." I waved my hand. "Go back to building your castles." They blinked at each other before continuing their castles. I quietly tiptoed behind Laxus, putting a finger to my lips when Mavis looked at me. She had a wicked gleam in her eyes before she winked at me. I just got winked at by a 100+ year old ghost.

"DIVE BOMB!" I jumped on Laxus's back only to miss and have him grab my waist. He pulled me on to my lap and held me hostage.

"Idiot." He sighed and I pouted.

"How did you even know I was going to do that?" I crossed my arms over my chest. His eyes glanced down then away before he looked back at me.

"I heard you." He flicked my nose. I let out an 'ow' before rubbing my nose. "You sound like a damn elephant."

"Damn Dragon hearing." I tried wiggling out of his grip but he wouldn't let me go. "Hello Mavis." I smiled at the girl. If Laxus would just get distracted enough then he might let me go.

"Yay! I have enough people to play this game!" She jumped up and looked at us all, that wicked gleam in her eyes.

"EATING CONTEST!" Natsu and Gray shouted before shoveled food into their mouth. I face palmed again. Laxus sighed and his head rested on my shoulder.

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