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C H A P T E R    F I F T E E N 

C H A P T E R    F I F T E E N 

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The grande library of Hogwarts seemed deserted. The tall walls containing ancient volumes stood proud and high, giving the place an ethereal atmosphere that I adored. 

The table behind one of the shelves, was where I was sat along with Riddle, stacks of books piling up on our small table, granting us privacy from the prying eyes.

I begrudgingly admitted to myself that working with Riddle was quite easy due to his vast knowledge and intelligence, and it felt refreshing to work in a rhythm, both of us committing to our parts of the Transfiguration assignment we were given by Dumbledore the day prior.

Studying, it seemed, was the only thing that distracted Riddle enough to not be revolted by my presence. He took his classes seriously, striving to be the best of the best, a quality I was familiar with since it was one of my ambitions as well. However, that did not mean he did not annoy me with his overbearing sense of importance and unfathomable potential.

"Hey, Riddle," I nudged him, ignoring the nasty glare he threw my way at the action. "I cannot understand if this is the laguz rune or eihwaz. I have the tendency of mixing them up." I slid the parchment towards him so he could examine the rune. 

He pulled his lip between his thumb and pointer finger, a pensive expression on his face. "Well, could we not figure it out according to the context?" He inquired, gazing at me from under his lashes.

I shook my head. "It could be either since the insinuation is that it is a sacred being."

He hummed thoughtfully before shrugging. "I believe it is laguz." 

"I don't think it is wise to guess. Maybe we should ask Pro—"

A loud shout of my name cut me off, throwing me off guard for a brief second. I turned around to the direction the sound had come from and was surprised to see a distressed and upset Sammy stomping towards me with eyes full of unshed tears. His clothes were dishevelled, his shirt untucked and wrongly buttoned, while his tie and robe were nowhere to be seen.

Concerned, I stood up from my place and was about to head towards him when he pulled out his wand and pointed it at me, causing me to freeze in my place in utter confusion. 

"Sam, what's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"What is wrong?!" He repeated, his voice echoing around the vast space. A bitter chuckle left his lips as he glared at me. "I should have known better than to trust a snake. I should have known better than to trust you!" 

"What are you talking about?" 

I could see anger trembling in his eyes, preparing to stab me with vile words that would surely wound as any weaponry.

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