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C H A P T E R   T W E N T Y   N I N E

C H A P T E R   T W E N T Y   N I N E

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Tom Marvolo Riddle.

The wizard traced the gold letters embroidered on the leather of his notebook like a name carved into one's tombstone.

Tom Riddle had finally solved the mystery of Arwen Laurent, but at what cost? She had slipped through his fingers like a foggy memory. Tom wanted to laugh. The girl had quite literally crashed into his life like a meteor and then proceeded to fade away.

But despite his forlorn and pitiful efforts to persuade himself that he had figured her out, he knew deep down it was the complete opposite. Arwen had left him with more questions than answers. 

"My Lord." 

Tom did not make a move to acknowledge the new presence in the room. Try as he could, he was not able to tear his eyes away from the cursed notebook. Its mere presence mocked him, reminding him of his failure and weakness. 

"You called for me?"

Tom nodded towards the couch. "Sit down."

Abraxas Malfoy did as he was told. He glanced at his companion nervously, waiting for him to address why he had asked to meet at the hour of the dead. Something was amiss, that Abraxas could tell. His eyes roved over the Slytherin heir, his gaze lingering on the scarlet splotches all over him. Abraxas could only speculate in silence as to why Tom was covered in blood from head to toe. Yet despite his worries, he remained quiet and composed, knowing better than to speak first and disrupt Tom's train of thought. 

"Avery?" Tom questioned.

"Will be here shortly." 

As if on cue, the hinges of the door creaked as it opened, announcing the presence of another person in the room. Tom finally tore his eyes away from the object in his hands and settled them on the wizard who strolled towards the loveseat in the common room. 

Avery yawned as he sprawled on the cushioned surface, running his hands over his face to rub away the sleep. "Merlin, Riddle, do you have any idea what time it is?" With his head thrown back, he shut his eyes and waited for the conversation to begin. However, after a brief moment of silence, he noticed the unusual stillness in the room, and his eyes cracked open. It was then that he registered the blood covering Riddle's clothes and hands and the wizard immediately straightened up. "Where are the others?" He asked, referring to the remaining members of the Knights of Walpurgis who were very noticeably absent.

"This is a matter that only concerns you two. No one is to know of this meeting."

Abraxas and Alexander shared a look. Something was indeed, very wrong. 

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