5. Unexpected Action.

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She stood from her spot and came towards me. She followed my sight which was lingering on the cage."Don't worry you won't be in there." She finished her word as everyone laughed at me.

While I was having a sense of betrayal and hatred towards the very girl standing in front of me.

"What?" She asked, because of the plain look I passed her.

"You played with me?" I asked her and she passed me a giggling laugh.

"Played? I just want you to know my real world. That this is my peace hole, different than yours! Which is a girl's vagina!" I scoffed at her too much innocent acting which was more like a teasing act.

"You think this can scare me?"

"Didn't I already?"


"Siyansha do you want a sniff??" A loud man's groan came from the other side of our conversation.

"No!!" She replied and again her sarcastic and creepy smile. "He means the vapour for cold and cough stick in our nose." She said and smiled.

She is playing with me. Making me hear weird things and then showing me different.

But between this, the Rehman guy stood and came towards me but then cross from my side and walked to the other section of the room.

"Man!! Let's look around." He said after reaching that side.

I honestly wanted to ignore him but then Siyansha gave me a chin gesture to follow him.

I started to walk behind him and we again went in the elevator.

"Who's building is this?" I asked them in weird silence and she answered me with a plain tone for the first "Mine" leaning on the side of the elevator.

"What do you do?" Rehman asked me out of the blue between us.

"I guess you shouldn't care about that," I answered and he scoffed.

"You might not know but I am not much of a sweet guy. I don't care who is standing in front of me." He threatened me.

He thinks if I am in a tough position so I won't speak back.

Well, then he thinks right.

They say only empty things make the loudest sound. And I am not. Talking with him is just like ruining my mood.

"I am marrying your friend I guess that's enough of an income job for me," I said and suddenly he tried to come on me but Siyansha held him back. And I remembered that my hands are still handcuffed. "Aren't you going to open them," I asked her.

"Not that tone with her," He again bugged between us.

"She is my fiance whatever I am with with her is non of your fucking business. So just walk out dude!" I couldn't take in his involvement between us."If you are so concerned about her. Why don't just you marry her."

But the next minute, the lift opened and she pushed me and threw me in a dark room with nothing. My eyesight was dark.

"What the fuck!!" I yelled as the lift closed and they went away.


I started to search for a button near the door and my hand was inside some hole and fuckkkk!!!! Some currents touched me. Damn, there's no button in the socket.


"For your own sake open the door Siyansha! I am not gonna leave you if I will find you again!" I yelled but no response.

UNDESIRED BRIDE. (Darkened Brides Book Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now