60. The End To Be Near

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It wasn't much shocking to me, that they were here. But, yes I was disappointed that they took a measure like this to bring me down. I mean a group of this many people and yet they backstabbed?

"Siyansha, leave. I will find a way to kill these people." I heard Rehman talk behind me when I shook my head in a no.  "You know, I'm grateful about something very much right now," I muttered when I could sense his. "What?"

"That my brain can't feel pain."

"Your body can, SIYA." I heard him say when I wobbled ahead.

"Randhir and Ratan gotta say. You look nice today." They heard me when they raised their eyebrows "Seems like, her brain is hurt," Ratan said as he laughed. When I too laughed back at him. But Randhir read the sarcasm. "Do we!?" he asked me raising his eyebrow, when I nodded. "Yes. But. You are missing one thing." I said making a tsk... tsk... With my mouth.

"What?" Randhir asked when I smiled. "Boobs and Vagina. Because you are more of a woman than I am." Everyone got silenced.

Yeah, I know it burned y'all ass. I groaned slowly when I completely lost my sense of stomach. It wasn't feeling at all.  "And Reeta, what's will that shabby outfit? No wonder your dress doesn't sell. Because the fashion designer doesn't have a taste herself." I said when she raised her side eyebrow at me. "Then what should I wear? Black tees with a black leather jacket and black boots with black pants? Gosh! You are so outdated." She said as she scoffed, and continued, "Black is not even a colour."

Well, well, "Then what is it?" I asked her instantly. Took a step closer to her and raised my eyebrow too, "What is it? Your future? Because that's what I see when I look at your future, dark. Or no! Wait, you love Glow right? You love white," I said and gave a sarcastic smile, "That's too in your future. Because when you die, I'll make sure you get a white coffin. And FYI it'll be soon." And laughed. And then turned to Radhika. And grabbed her head and started to survey here and there, "What the hell is wrong with you?" She asked me, as she threw my hands away from her head.

"Nothing. Was just wondering, if your head has gotten spiderwebs because it is empty."

Well, I wasn't really in a mood roasting today.

"What a pity, you will die with your sarcasm on. Well, that was your identity." Radhika said and laughed. "Yes. More pity for you, because you'll die without any identity." I said and was to turn but stopped, and again faced them. "Oops, sorry. I forgot. That never shows your back to the backstabbers.

" We didn't backstab you. You always knew we were to kill you. Not a big deal."

"Yeah, I do. But I am wondering right now. How did you guys know, that I was here?" I asked them and looked up at their faces, Ratan and Randhir, Reeta looked at me, but Radhika had her eyes on Rehman.

"Who do you think it could be?" I asked when I chuckled. "Rehman. I wonder did you tell them before you came inside, or right after Ujwal informed you?" I turned to look at him. When he was shocked at his place. His eyes are wide open. And his mouth too parted a little.

"Everything started with my family in it. But none are present in the final picture." I said, as I picked the knife from the floor when in two long steps I was near him with my knife on his neck.

"Ask Chaya, to free them, there, Saya, Dad and Anshuman's family never really hurt you," I muttered. When his parted mouth zipped together, and the smirk I had never seen before the whole time, curved her lips, sideways with his eyes down on the floor. Not with guilt.

"Too soon." He said and then looked up at me. "You found out too soon." He said and then made a sad face. "You ruined the most fun part." He made a pout. And was to get out from the knife position but I dug the knife a little in, to stop him.

"Don't worry honey. I won't kill you yet. I have more torture ideas for you." He said as he pushed the knife down.

"So! You wanna know, where it all began?" He asked me, standing beside me, with a smile on his face.

"I am sure, you'll tell anyway. So poop." I said back when he smiled again at me.

Psychopath. How can he be a psychology doctor? He needs some electrical current himself.

"Why even bother Rehman, let's kill her and get over with. You know I don't wanna waste time. I have fashion week coming up." Reeta said when I laughed.

"Ohh, about that- I guess Ujwal Betrayed you. Because." I said and looked at my watch. "Please go and check your stocks. You had the dress revealed under the industry today at twelve. The one I was preparing for. Well. I have your 68% of shares, under my name, that I earned from the 25 crores your husband gave me." I said and shrugged. "By the way, it's even more than you own yourself. Because the rest 32% is only yours. So work under me now. And I'm generous, so I give you a holiday for today." I continued when she could believe her ears, she opened her phone and as expected. The stakes were under my name.

" You bitch! She screamed as she came towards me. When I stopped her from the knife. "

" No! No! Now you will get me out of here alive because if I die now. The whole industry will suspect you." I whispered when she nodded and took the knife from my hand and stood in front of me.

" Let's stop it here Rehman. "

UNDESIRED BRIDE. (Darkened Brides Book Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now